13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (2024)

As of 2023, there are more than 180k SEO service providers in the US itself.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (1)

With so many options to choose from, finding the best fit for your business can be daunting.

In this guide, we’ve put together a list of the 13 best SEO services in 2024. They all have proven track records and a strong reputation in the market.

Don’t have time to read the full guide? Here’s our top list of SEO services by category:

  • On-Page SEO: Digital Commerce Partners and Green Lane Marketing
  • Technical SEO: iPullRank
  • Content Creation: Content by Peak and HawkSEM
  • Local SEO: RicketyRoo and On The Map SEO
  • Link Building: Digitaloft and Jolly SEO
  • Ecommerce SEO: Searchbloom
  • SaaS SEO: Omniscient Digital and Growth Plays
  • International SEO: Ignite Visibility

Let’s look at what SEO services actually include and which ones you should avoid. And then go more in-depth on each SEO service on our list and what makes it stand out.

What are SEO Services?

SEO services are aimed at improving your website’s visibility in search engine results. These services include different areas of search engine optimization, such as on-page SEO, technical SEO, and link building.

Some SEO service providers specialize in specific aspects of SEO. While others offer a complete package that covers everything your website might need to rank higher in search results.

There are also service providers that specialize in specific industries, like ecommerce or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

A reliable and reputable SEO service can help you:

  • Improve your website’s search engine rankings and user experience
  • Save time by allowing you to outsource SEO work
  • Bring a level of expertise and experience that might be hard to find in a single in-house hire or team
  • Scale your SEO efforts based on needs and budget

5 Types of SEO Services You Should Avoid

Be wary of the following SEO services:

  • Guaranteed SEO services: Guaranteed top rankings or a significant increase in organic search traffic within a short period
  • Cheap SEO services: SEO services that are offered at a cost significantly lower than the industry standard
  • Services that implement shady SEO tactics: Shady SEO practices like cloaking and using Private Blog Networks (PBNs) to manipulate search rankings
  • Service providers that can’t prove their results: No evidence or case studies that confirm their authority and the results achieved for other clients
  • Services that focus on vanity metrics: Focusing solely on metrics that look good on paper but don’t translate into actual business success or revenue

1. Guaranteed SEO Services

Avoid working with SEO service providers that guarantee top rankings or a significant boost in organic search traffic in less than four months.

According to Google, it takes 4-12 months for a professional to implement changes to get results.

So, it’s best to avoid services with claims like this:

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (2)

No SEO service can change search results at will. When it comes to SEO, there are multiple factors at play, including:

  • Evolving search engine algorithms: Search engines like Google frequently update their algorithms to improve the quality of search results
  • A high level of competition: With so many businesses eyeing the top spots in the search engine results pages (SERPs), competition for visibility is fiercer than ever.

Despite applying all the right tactics and strategies, your website is not guaranteed to rank in the top 10 search engine results for your desired keywords.

So, it’s best to steer clear of SEO service providers that guarantee results confidently.

On their “Do You Need an SEO?” page, Google clearly states that “no one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google.”

2. Cheap SEO Services

Stay away from cheap SEO services.

What’s considered cheap when it comes to SEO?

Anything below $500 (or even $1,000 nowadays) per month.

Because doing SEO right costs time and money.

So, anyone offering to do it for less than $500 or $1,000 per month is likely doing something wrong.

Service providers offering this kind of pricing rely on automated software or implement outdated tactics, which might not work for you. And it’s likely to end up doing more harm than good for your website.

These types of providers often work with a large volume of clients to generate more revenue and stay profitable. Which means they might not have the time to focus specifically on your business’ unique needs and goals.

3. Services That Implement Shady SEO Tactics

Stay clear of SEO services that implement shady SEO practices, such as:

  • Cloaking: This technique involves setting up a website so that it displays different content to search engines and users.Cloaking can take multiple forms, but the most common one involves redirecting users from a high-ranking page to another page (which usually doesn’t align with the user’s search intent but can generate revenue for the website).
  • Private Blog Networks (PBNs): These are networks of websites created for the sole purpose of generating backlinks.They’re often created from expired domains with pre-existing domain authority or set up as completely new sites that have their authority artificially boosted through links from other sites within the network.

As mentioned in Google’s Search Essentials (formerly Webmaster Guidelines), Google uses automated systems and, when necessary, human review to identify content and behaviors that violate its policies.

If a site is found to be in breach of these policies, it may be demoted in search rankings or entirely removed from search results.

4. Service Providers That Can’t Prove Their Results

Avoid SEO service providers that can’t prove the results they’ve generated for their clients.

They don’t necessarily need to disclose everything (as they may have non-disclosure agreements in place), but they should be able to provide some form of evidence.

Here are a few things you can ask a provider for to verify the results they’re claiming to have helped their clients achieve:

  • Get you in touch with their past clients who can vouch for them
  • Share detailed case studies that dive into their client’s unique challenges, the strategies they’ve implemented, and the results they’ve generated. Even if they don’t share the client’s name.
  • Showcase client testimonials and verify them

5. Services That Focus on Vanity Metrics

Vanity metrics are metrics that look good on paper but don’t necessarily correlate with your business’s success in meaningful ways. For example, organic search traffic, page views, clicks, and impressions.

Just think about it: What if your website is getting 100,000 organic search visits per month, yet you’re not generating any sales? What’s the point?

Some SEO services focus solely on vanity metrics. When asked how these metrics contributed to their client’s revenue goals, they don’t have an answer.

Look for SEO services that go beyond these metrics and can prove a tangible impact on business revenue.

13 SEO Agencies to Consider in 2024

In this section, we’ve put together a list of the top SEO services across the following categories:

  • On-Page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Content Creation
  • Local SEO
  • Link building
  • Ecommerce SEO
  • SaaS SEO
  • International SEO

These are just a small sampling of the many reputable SEO service providers out there.

Consider this list a jumping-off point as you begin your search for the right SEO partner.

Remember, the right provider will vary based on your specific circ*mstances, so carefully evaluate your options to find the optimal fit.

Note: Need help getting matched with the perfect agency for your needs? Check out Semrush’s Agency Partners platform.

1. On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing web pages for search engines. It involves modifying elements such as the page title, meta description, URL, and more.

Here are our top on-page SEO service picks:

Digital Commerce Partners

Digital Commerce Partners (DCP) is a content marketing and SEO agency founded by Jonny Nastor and content marketing pioneer Copyblogger. DCP excels in tactical on-page SEO that drives organic growth in competitive markets.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (3)

Their on-page SEO services include:

  • On-page optimization: From blog posts to product pages, content is carefully enhanced to rank, engage, and convert
  • Keyword mapping: Mapping every keyword to the right piece of content
  • Content strategy: What content to produce, at what frequency, and how each new piece fits into your customer’s journey

They helped ADD.org reach 114,548 more people per month. This led to a 233% surge in organic traffic, and 254 featured snippets won within ten months.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (4)

Greenlane Marketing

Greenlane Marketing is a data-driven marketing agency that offers a wide range of digital marketing services, such as SEO, paid search, paid social, and analytics.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (5)

Bill Sebald, the founder of Greenlane Marketing, has nearly three decades of SEO experience under his belt. His agency’s client roster includes companies like Cytiva, Optimizely, Zazzle, and Urban Outfitters.

Their on-page SEO services include:

  • Keyword research: Identifying the most effective keywords for your business
  • Content ideation: Brainstorming content ideas that align with your target keywords
  • Featured snippet optimization: Optimize your website’s content to give it a better chance of ranking for featured snippets
  • On-page SEO elements: Creating on-page SEO elements like metadata, URL structure, and header tags for your website

After collaborating with Greenlane Marketing, an Australian-based local florist saw a 125% increase in their year-over-year (YoY) revenue.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (6)

2. Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing your website so that search engines can effectively crawl and index it.

It involves working on the following:

  • Website security improvements: Increasing your website’s security by implementing protocols such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  • Duplicate content analysis: Finding and addressing duplicate content issues. Having the same content across multiple web pages can confuse search engines as to which page to display in search results.
  • Mobile optimization: Optimizing a website in such a way as to ensure that it displays and works as intended on mobile devices
  • Robots.txt analysis: Reviewing your robots.txt file to make sure you’re not blocking access to important pages for search engine crawlers
  • Structured data implementation: Implementing structured data to help Google better understand your web pages


iPullRank adopts a unique approach for each project. They don’t stick to an outdated playbook. Instead, they have a diverse team that keeps an eye on the latest trends and collaborates with industry experts to help their clients achieve their desired results.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (7)

They work exclusively with enterprise brands, helping them fix their website’s technical issues after performing a thorough site audit.

Michael King, the founder of iPullRank, was featured in USA Today’s “The 10 Most Influential SEO Experts of 2022” article. He has a strong online presence and has worked with a lot of enterprise brands.

The results of iPullRank’s collaboration with an anonymous enterprise client in the music service industry are something to aspire to. After fixing the website’s technical issues, the agency managed to scale their client’s organic search traffic from 4M to 5M visits year-over-year.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (8)

3. Content Creation

Content creation services include ideating, strategizing, and creating high-quality website content.

Content By Peak

Content By Peak is a results-focused content marketing agency run by Michael Keenan, a freelance content marketer who has worked with brands like Descript, Shopify, UScreen, and HelpScout.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (9)

They offer the following services:

  • Content production
  • Content strategy
  • Content refreshing

We reached out to Mike to better understand what their unique selling proposition is.

To which he replied:

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (10)

What makes us different is that we are boutique and work with a maximum of five clients at a time. We source writers with specialty for each account.

For example, if the brand is in finance, we work with finance writers. We never farm writers for cheap. We don’t keep a sales pipeline either. Our small size allows us to pay more for writers, less for admin roles, which results in higher quality articles.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (11)


HawkSEM is a holistic digital marketing agency that is well-known for its high-quality content production. They’ve worked with some of the largest brands in the world, including Verizon, Microsoft, Honda, and Nike.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (12)

They have a diverse team of professionals with years of experience in their respective roles. They focus on creating engaging, informative, and relevant content to meet the specific needs of their clients’ target audiences.

HawkSEM offers the following content marketing services:

  • Content strategy
  • Editing
  • Content distribution
  • SEO

They can create content in a variety of formats, including blog posts, whitepapers, press releases, and case studies.

Here’s what a client said about their services:

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (13)

4. Local SEO

Local SEO is the practice of improving search engine visibility for local businesses. This helps local businesses increase their website traffic, drive more calls and in-person visits, and increase brand awareness.

Some common local SEO practices include:

  • Google Business Profile management: Creating, managing, and optimizing a business’ Google Business profile.
  • Local keyword research: Finding and targeting local keywords to improve a website’s local rankings.
  • Local directory management: Establishing an online presence across different local directories


RicketyRoo is an Oregon-based digital marketing agency that has been working with small and medium-sized businesses since 2009. The company is led by Blake Denman, who has more than 17 years of hands-on SEO experience.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (14)

Their local SEO process involves thoroughly reviewing the winning strategies of their clients’ competitors to see what has worked for them and what hasn’t. Based on their initial research, the agency puts together an actionable strategy focused on helping their clients’s websites rank high in search results.

After partnering with RicketyRoo, Blue Mountain Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling increased their annual revenue by $200,000.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (15)

On The Map Marketing

On The Map Marketing is an award-winning digital marketing agency that has been helping local businesses get noticed online since 2009.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (16)

They’re headquartered in Miami but work with clients all over the world.

Their process starts with deep research into what’s working for their clients’ competitors and then continues with crafting a tailored strategy to achieve local SEO success.

The Law Offices of Scott J. Senft Law, a Florida-based personal injury firm, witnessed transformative SEO results after collaborating with On The Map Marketing. Their visibility on Google surged from ranking for only three keywords in the top 10 SERP results to over 20.

Here’s what one client said about On The Map Marketing:

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (17)

5. Link Building

Link building is the practice of building backlinks to a website. And backlinks are links that one website gets from another.

The top link building services we recommend include:


Digitaloft is an SEO and PR agency that specializes in building high-quality editorial backlinks.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (18)

Through their collaboration with Digitaloft, Finn, a car subscription service company, achieved remarkable results that showed the effectiveness of a well-executed digital PR strategy.

The campaign centered around a comprehensive study of car insurance costs across the US, a topic of broad interest and relevance.

This campaign helped Finn get 116 high-quality backlinks from 72 referring domains. And coverage by top-tier publications like USA Today, Fox Business, and Consumer Reports.

Jolly SEO

Jolly SEO is an SEO and digital PR agency known for its expertise in securing high-quality editorial backlinks through its Journalist Outreach program.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (19)

They collaborate with journalists and writers looking for quotes and pitches on their clients’ behalf.

Their clients have been featured in top publications like Forbes, Business Insider, and HuffPost.

Jolly SEO ran a link-building campaign for a client that helped build more than 85 backlinks from top publications. Which resulted in a 1,200% increase in organic search traffic.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (20)

6. Ecommerce SEO

Ecommerce SEO service providers specialize in helping ecommerce businesses improve their search engine rankings.

Our top recommendations for ecommerce SEO services include:


Searchbloom is a digital marketing agency for small-to-medium-sized businesses. They work with ecommerce brands like Nordstrom, Shirtspace, and Nature’s Seed.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (21)

Their ecommerce SEO services include keyword research, competitive SEO analysis, on-page optimization, and link building.

Within two years of partnering with Searchbloom, one brand experienced a significant increase in its organic search performance, achieving a 429% improvement in the number of keywords ranking in the top three positions in search engine results.

This growth saw their rankings jump from 73 keywords in December 2020 to an impressive 309 keywords by December 2022. Which contributed to an 189% increase in revenue.

Here’s what one client said about their experience with Searchbloom:

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (22)

7. SaaS SEO

SaaS SEO is the practice of optimizing a Software-as-a-Service website for search engines.

Here are our recommendations for SEO services that specialize in SaaS:

Omniscient Digital

Omniscient Digital is a high-growth B2B marketing agency that works with top SaaS companies like Adobe, Hotjar, Loom, and Jasper.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (23)

The company was founded by Allie Decker (ex-Shopify), Alex Birkett (ex-HubSpot), and David Ly Khim (ex-HubSpot).

Their collaboration with Jasper, a generative AI platform for enterprise marketing teams, resulted in an 810% increase in organic traffic and a 400x improvement in blog-attributed product signups.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (24)

Growth Plays

Growth Plays is a B2B marketing agency that focuses on building a comprehensive full-funnel strategy.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (25)

This helps them make sure that every aspect of marketing efforts is aligned with the overarching goal of driving business growth.

Their service includes building an SEO and content strategy that focuses heavily on how their clients can rank for important customer, brand, and product-related search terms.

Growth Plays’ client roster includes brands like Calendly, Heap, Cortex, and Podia.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (26)

8. International SEO

International SEO services are aimed at optimizing a business’s website for global audiences and search engines across different countries and languages.

This approach helps businesses expand their reach beyond their domestic market and tap into new international markets.

Ignite Visibility

Ignite Visibility specializes in multilingual and multiregional projects. They have the experience to structure websites specific to just about any location and language.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (27)

From SaaS companies to local businesses that now want to tap into international markets, Ignite Visibility works with a wide range of businesses across different industries.

Their international SEO process includes determining countries with the highest revenue potential. Based on this analysis, they create a go-to market strategy for the most profitable regions. This also includes identifying the best online channels used by customers in these regions.

Here’s a review from one of Ignite Visibility’s clients:

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (28)

Choose the Right SEO Service for Your Business

Pick an SEO service that specializes in your niche and has worked with brands similar to yours.

Pay special attention to their client roster and how they’ve helped their clients reach their revenue goals.

Most importantly, look for an SEO service that aligns with your specific needs and budget.

Read our comprehensive guide on SEO pricing to better understand how much you can expect to pay for SEO services.

13 SEO Services to Consider in 2024 (+ What to Avoid) (2024)


What would be the 3 main criteria you would work on to improve the SEO of the website? ›

Focusing on these three pillars of SEO – authority, relevance, and experience – will increase the opportunities for your content and make link-earning easier. You now have everything you need to know for SEO success, so get to work!

What to look for when doing SEO? ›

Technical SEO Checklist
  • Identify Crawling and Indexing Errors. ...
  • Find Out How Google Views Your Pages. ...
  • 31. Make Sure Your Site Is Mobile-Friendly. ...
  • Fix Broken Links. ...
  • Secure Your Site with HTTPS. ...
  • Check Your Site's Loading Speed (Core Web Vitals) ...
  • Use Schema Markup.

What are the top 5 SEO strategies? ›

Try our new free SEO checker at SEO.com
  • Maintain a Fast, Mobile-friendly Website.
  • Target Long-tail Keywords.
  • Optimize Local Listings.
  • Create Helpful Content (and Optimize It for SEO)
  • Re-optimize Past Content.
  • And Remember — Measure Your ROI.
  • Help Your Business Improve Its Leads, Sales, and Revenue with SEO.

Will SEO exist in 10 years? ›

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will likely continue to exist and evolve over the next 10 years. As long as people use search engines, SEO will likely stay in existence.

What are the 3 C's of SEO? ›

Simply put, the fundamentals of SEO can be boiled down to The 3 Cs: content, code and credibility.

What are the 4 important stages in SEO? ›

What Are the Stages of Search Engine Optimization? There are 4 stages of SEO: keyword research, readability check, linking, and marketing. While each is important on its own, you'll see the best results by ensuring the stages are supporting one another. Let's take a closer look at each of these.

What is the first thing to do before doing SEO? ›

Keyword research should be the very first step on your SEO journey. It is especially important in two common scenarios: Getting to know your niche – when starting a new website, keyword research can provide a great overview of what sub-topics are interesting for people in your niche or industry.

What makes a successful SEO? ›

Some good SEO practices include the following: Optimizing website structure and content. Using relevant and descriptive keywords. Creating high-quality and valuable content.

What are the three key considerations for SEO? ›

Three of the most important considerations when evaluating keywords for SEO are: volume, competition and user intent. Before we dive into the fundamentals of keywords and SEO, let's break down what organic traffic is and why it matters.

What will be the future of SEO? ›

The future of SEO is poised for transformative change, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence, voice search, and mobile-first indexing. As search engines like Google refine their algorithms with AI and machine learning, the focus on delivering highly relevant, personalized results will intensify.

Can you learn SEO in 3 months? ›

In short, learning the basics of SEO takes about 3 months. But you can't say you have fully learnt the job without having some experience under your belt, which could take 2 to 3 years.

How long does it take to master SEO? ›

Each aspect focuses on different areas to optimize a website's ranking in search engine results. Learning SEO typically takes one to three months for the basics and up to a year to fully master.

Can you become a millionaire from SEO? ›

The journey to becoming a millionaire through SEO is not a guarantee but rather a potential outcome for those who master the intricacies of search engine algorithms and leverage this knowledge effectively.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.