Settings (2024)

Settings (1)
Settings (2)

Settings is the screen that lets players change various settings, such as the brightness of the game client, whether or not chat effects display, whether to accept aid or not, the volume of the music and sound effects, and much more.

While the settings tab allows players to quickly change their Control, Audio, and Display settings, players can change or toggle additional settings via the main settings interface, accessed by clicking the "All Settings" button on the bottom of the tab.

The main settings interface contains a toggle to show more/less information, a search bar to search for a specific setting, and a sub-list of settings in a specific category.


  • 1 Activities
    • 1.1 General
    • 1.2 Skills
    • 1.3 Combat
    • 1.4 Minigames
    • 1.5 Treasure trails
  • 2 Audio
    • 2.1 General
  • 3 Chat
    • 3.1 Game Chat
    • 3.2 Chat Colours
  • 4 Controls
    • 4.1 Control Options
    • 4.2 Keybinds
  • 5 Display
    • 5.1 Graphics
  • 6 Gameplay
    • 6.1 Options
    • 6.2 Camera Effects
    • 6.3 Beta Worlds
  • 7 Interfaces
    • 7.1 General
    • 7.2 Quest List
    • 7.3 Tooltips
    • 7.4 Resizable
    • 7.5 Modified Stats Overlay
    • 7.6 Buff Bar
  • 8 Popout
    • 8.1 Popout Windows
    • 8.2 Loot Tracker
    • 8.3 Ground Items Overlay
  • 9 Warnings
    • 9.1 Teleports and Tablets
    • 9.2 Items
    • 9.3 Confirmations
    • 9.4 Other notifications
  • 10 Other settings
    • 10.1 House options
  • 11 Changes
  • 12 Historical settings icons
  • 13 Trivia

Activities[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

Note: These options are currently only available on the Mobile Client and New Official Client.

Tile highlightingWhen enabled, hold Shift and right-click the ground to place highlights.
Tile highlight colourWhat colour your marked tiles will show up as.
Highlight entities on mouse-overAdds a highlight to entities when you hover the mouse cursor over them.
Highlight hovered tileWhen enabled, highlights the tile under the mouse.
Highlight hovered tile - Always on topWhen enabled, shows the hovered tile highlight over objects in the world.
Highlight hovered tile - ColourColour to highlight the tile under the mouse.
Highlight current tileWhen enabled, highlights the tile you are currently on.
Highlight current tile - Always on topWhen enabled, shows the current tile highlight over objects in the world.
Highlight current tile - ColourColour to highlight the tile you are currently on.
Highlight destination tileWhen enabled, highlights the tile you are moving to.
Highlight destination tile - Always on topWhen enabled, shows the destination tile highlight over objects in the world.
Highlight destination tile - ColourColour to highlight the tile you are moving to.

Skills[edit | edit source]

Note: These options are currently only available on Mobile and Steam clients.

Agility helperWhen enabled, the Agility helper will be shown when on agility courses
Highlight agility obstaclesWhen enabled, Agility obstacles will be highlighted in the game world, for the course that you are training on.
Highlight agility shortcutsWhen enabled, Agility shortcuts will be highlighted in the game world.
Highlight agility shortcuts - Shortcut RequirementsWhen enabled on member worlds, Agility shortcuts you can't use will have an overlay displaying the requirements to use it.
Ore respawn timerWhen enabled, a respawn timer will be shown when you mine a rock for ore. You can set this to only be shown when you have a pickaxe.
Woodcutting respawn timerWhen enabled, a respawn timer will be shown when you chop down a tree. You can set this to only be shown if you have an axe.
Bird nest Desktop notificationWhen enabled, a desktop notification will be displayed if you obtain a bird nest drop while cutting down trees.
Fishing spot indicatorsWhen enabled, fishing spots will be highlighted and the fish the spot gives will be shown above the fishing spot. You can hover over the fish shown to see every fish that can be caught at the spot
Fishing spot indicators - Tools onlyWhen enabled, fishing spot indicators will only be shown if you have a tool that can be used at the fishing spot. When disabled, show fishing spot indicators regardless of tools.
Fishing spot indicators - Mouse over tooltipWhen enabled, hovering over a fishing spot indicator will show all the fish the spot has to offer.
Slayer helperWhen enabled, the Slayer helper will be shown while training Slayer.

Combat[edit | edit source]

Settings (3)
Data orbs - Regeneration indicators(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, adds a regeneration timer around your HP and special attack orbs on your minimap.
Hitsplat tintingChoose whether other player's hitsplats are tinted or not.
Max hit hitsplatsChoose whether the player's maximum hit will appear trimmed. This only applies to damage the player themselves deal, and as such excludes fixed damage as well as other types of damage that are not the result of the player directly damaging their opponent, such as damage from Retribution and Vengeance.
Max hit hitsplats thresholdSets a threshold for the max hit hitsplats appearing. The value can range from 2 to 500.
Iron loot restriction indicatorWhen enabled, Ironmen players will occasionally see indicator icons to warn them if they're attacking a creature that's restricted from dropping loot to them.
Iron loot restriction messagesWhen enabled, Ironmen players will occasionally see chatbox messages warning them if they're attacking a creature that's restricted from dropping loot to them.
Show boss health overlayChoose whether health overlays are displayed at various bosses, such as Zalcano and The Nightmare.
Show normal health overlay(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, fighting any enemies will display a small health overlay.
Show enemy name on health overlayChoose whether enemy names are displayed on health overlays
Health overlay display typeChoose whether values in the health overlay are shown as an exact value or a percentage.
Chambers of Xeric helper(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, the Chambers of Xeric helper will be shown when in a Chambers of Xeric raid.

Minigames[edit | edit source]

Last Man Standing fog colourChoose which colour the fog overlay in Last Man Standing would be. Can choose between Default (White), Green, Yellow, Red, Blue, White.

Treasure trails[edit | edit source]

Beginner clue scroll warningWhen enabled, you will get a message if you do not receive a clue as a drop because you already own one.
Easy clue scroll warningWhen enabled, you will get a message if you do not receive a clue as a drop because you already own one.
Medium clue scroll warningWhen enabled, you will get a message if you do not receive a clue as a drop because you already own one.
Hard clue scroll warningWhen enabled, you will get a message if you do not receive a clue as a drop because you already own one.
Elite clue scroll warningWhen enabled, you will get a message if you do not receive a clue as a drop because you already own one.
Master clue scroll warningWhen enabled, you will get a message if you do not receive a clue as a drop because you already own one.

Audio[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

Master volume(Mobile and Steam clients only) A slider that adjusts the volume of sound, area, and music.
Sound effect volumeA slider that adjusts the volume of in-game sound effects such as when a player or monster takes damage.
Area sound volumeA slider that adjusts the volume of ambient sounds, such as the sound of seagulls and crashing waves when near the ocean.
Music volumeA slider that adjusts the volume of in-game music shown in the Music Player.
Music area modeChoose whether multiple music tracks would be played in their assigned areas (Modern), or a single music track in a single map area (Classic).
Music unlock messageChoose whether to display music unlock messages in the chatbox when a new music track is unlocked.
Hit soundsChoose which sound will play when the player is hit in combat.

Chat[edit | edit source]

Game Chat[edit | edit source]

Enable profanity filterChoose whether offensive language is filtered. Bad words are replaced with a set of *.
Friend Login/Logout messagesChoose whether the messages in the chatbox stating that a player in the friends list has logged in or out would always appear (On), would disappear after a short amount of time (Timeout), or would not appear (Off).
Show chat effectsChoose whether chat effects and colours are displayed.
Split friends private chatChoose whether private messages are shown in or above the chatbox.
Hide private chat when the chatbox is hiddenChoose whether the split private chat is shown when the chatbox is hidden or not. Can only be toggled when in resizable mode and when split chat is on.
Chat timestamps(Mobile and Steam clients only) Choose whether timestamps are shown next to messages in the chatbox. Can choose between Server time, which is in UTC, or Local time as set by the device.
Enable precise timingChoose whether the player's timers (such as boss kill durations) are displayed to the nearest tenth of a second.
Enable separating hoursChoose whether the player's timers are separated into hours, if applicable.
Examine price info - Grand Exchange(Mobile and Steam clients only) Choose whether Grand Exchange prices will be shown when examining an item.
Examine price info - Alchemy(Mobile and Steam clients only) Choose whether High Level Alchemy prices will be shown when examining an item.
Collection log - New addition notificationSends a chat notification whenever a new item is added to your Collection log.
Loot drop notificationsChoose whether to display a chatbox message notifying the player of a valuable drop above the threshold of the player's choosing.
Minimum item value needed for loot notificationSets a threshold for the loot drop notification setting. The maximum value is 500,000,000 coins.
Untradeable loot notificationsChoose whether to display a chatbox message notifying the player of an untradeable drop. This setting can only be changed if the loot drop notification setting is enabled.
Filter out boss kill-count with spam-filterChoose whether the number of boss kills are displayed after every kill.
Combat Achievements Tasks - FailureChoose whether failing a Combat Achievements task would be accompanied by a chatbox message informing the player why they failed in doing the task.
Combat Achievements Tasks - Repeat failureChoose whether failing an already completed Combat Achievements task would be accompanied by a chatbox message informing the player why they failed in doing the task.
Combat Achievements Tasks - Repeat completionChoose whether re-completing a Combat Achievements task would be accompanied by a chatbox message.
Chatbox Mode - Set AutomaticallyWhen enabled, sending a message with any chat prefix will automatically sets your chat mode to the respective channel: /p, /f, /c, /gc or /g (GIM only).
Ignore List - Remove permanently banned accounts dailyIf enabled, the game will run a daily process that removes some permanently banned accounts from your Ignore list, freeing up space.
Ignore List - Remove permanently muted accounts dailyIf enabled, the game will run a daily process that removes some permanently muted accounts from your Ignore list, freeing up space.

Chat Colours[edit | edit source]

Settings (4)

Players can choose the colours of various text in the chatbox, depending on whether they have set their chatbox to be opaque or transparent in the Advanced Display Settings. They can also reset the chat colours to the default colours, or use a custom input of RGB and hex colour codes.

Chat typeOpaqueTransparent
Public chat#0000ff#9090ff
Private chat#7f0000#bf2020
Private chat (if split)#00ffff
Auto chat#2020ef#4040ff
Broadcast (split)#ffff00
Friend chat#7f0000#ef5050
Clan chat#7f0000
Guest clan chat#007a00#00d300
Incoming trade request#7f007f#df20ff
Incoming challenge request#7e3200#ff20df

Players can choose 29 other colours for each chat type:


Controls[edit | edit source]

Control Options[edit | edit source]

Player trade optionsChoose whether the "Trade" option will be shown on players, if available. Enabled by default.
Player/NPC attack optionsChoose whether the first option on an NPC or player is "Attack". There are two separate settings, one for players and the other for NPCs.
  • Depends on combat levels - This is the default setting. If a monster's combat level is lower than yours, the first option will be "Attack". If it is higher, the first option will be "Walk here". Monsters above level 126 will also have 'attack' as the first option.
  • Left-click where available - This setting causes "Attack" to be the first option on every player or NPC.
  • Always right-click - This setting causes "Walk here" to be the first option on every player or NPC.
  • Hidden - This setting will cause the attack option to be omitted from right-clicking players or NPCs.
  • Right-click for clanmates - Click through clanmates.
PK Skull PreventionWhen enabled, you will be prevented from attacking players in any way that would cause you to become skulled.
Single mouse button modeChoose whether the mouse uses one or two buttons. If disabled, right-clicking will show a list of options and left-clicking will automatically choose the first option. If enabled, left-clicking will show the list instead.
Middle mouse button controls the cameraChoose whether the middle mouse button can be used to control the in-game camera.
Shift click to drop itemsChoose whether holding the Shift key and left-clicking the mouse will drop an item from the inventory or not.
Anti Drag(Steam clients only) When enabled, disabled dragging items in inventory based on Anti Drag settings.
Anti Drag - Delay(Steam clients only) Can enter delay, in milliseconds, between dragging an item in the inventory and when it will actually start being dragged. Useful for preventing accidental drags. Value will be rounded to the nearest 20ms (max 5000).
Anti Drag - Enable Key(Steam clients only) When set, only disabled dragging in inventory while the key is held down. If no key is set, Anti Drag will always be on. Can choose between Always On, Shift, and Ctrl.
Anti Drag - Disable Key(Steam clients only) When set, enables dragging in inventory while the key is held down if Anti Drag is active. Can choose between None, Shift, and Ctrl.
Move follower options lower downChoose whether the interacting options on a pet are all moved down to "Walk here" or not, preventing players from misclicking their pets when doing activities.
Ctrl+click to invert run modeSet whether holding Ctrl when clicking to walk or interact will temporarily invert your selected run mode.
Show the function button(Mobile clients only) Choose whether the function button appears above Combat Options button to the left side of screen.
Select function-mode(Mobile clients only) Choose which 'function' the function button would be operating when active.
  • Tap-to-drop for insta-dropping items in the inventory when tapped on.
  • Single-tap for bringing up the long-tap options in a quick tap, similar to Right-clicking on Desktop clients.
  • Keyboard for bringing up the keyboard, via tapping the function button, particularly for when chatbox is closed.
Deadzone adjuster(Mobile clients only) A slider that adjusts how far sidebar buttons are away from the edge of the device's screen.
Minimenu long-press time(Mobile clients only) A slider that adjusts, in milliseconds, the that it would take to open the minimenu when long-pressing.
Vibrate on interaction(Mobile clients only) When enabled, your device will vibrate when you perform any non-interface interaction (except Walk-here).
Vibrate on drag(Mobile clients only) When enabled, your device will vibrate when you begin dragging something in an interface.
Vibrate when minimenu opens(Mobile clients only) When enabled, your device will vibrate when the minimenu opens.
Vibrate on hovering over minimenu entries(Mobile clients only) When enabled, your device will vibrate when you hover over the different minimenu entries.

Keybinds[edit | edit source]

Settings (5)

The Keybinds settings allows players can choose which F-keys will take the player to a certain side-panel.

Modern Layout - Side panel can be closed by the hotkeysWhen enabled, pressing the hotkey assigned to an already open side panel will close it.
Esc closes the current interfaceWhen enabled, the escape key will close your active interface.

Display[edit | edit source]

Graphics[edit | edit source]

Screen BrightnessA slider that can be adjusted to make the screen darker or brighter.
Camera zoom distanceA slider that adjusts the camera's zoom.
View distance(Mobile and Steam clients only) Change how far you can see the landscape. This does not affect view distance of other players or interact distance.
Hide roofsChoose whether roofs are selectively or always hidden.
Scroll wheel (Pinch gesture on Mobile clients) can change zoom distanceChoose whether the [mouse's scroll wheel/pinch gesture] can change the camera zoom.
Limit framerate(Mobile and Steam clients only) Can be used to limit frames that are drawn per second. Can choose between 15, 20, 30, 60, and Unlimited.
Always on top(Steam clients only) When enabled, the client will always be on top of other windows/applications.
Full screen(Steam clients only) When enabled, the client will be displayed in full screen mode.
Anti-aliasing(Steam clients only) Set the type of anti-aliasing to use. Can choose between Off, MSAAx2, MSAAx4, MSAAx8, MSAAx16.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Options[edit | edit source]

Accept aidChoose whether or not to be affected by special Magic spells that affect other players, such as the Teleother spells or the Cure Other and Tele Group spells from the Lunar spellbook. Players with Accept Aid off cannot be recruited for the Barbarian Assault minigame.
Food/Potions can form supply piles on deathWhen enabled, and on death in non-instanced areas, supplies will drop to the ground where a player dies instead of going to their gravestone.
Auto-equip worn items from gravestone.When enabled, when you retrieve an item from your gravestone, you will auto-equip any items that were equipped when you died.
Deep Wilderness lever default optionWhen enabled, the deep Wilderness teleport lever will take you to Edgeville by default instead of Ardougne.
Disable Phantom Muspah messagesWhen enabled, you will no longer receive messages in the chat in relation to the Phantom Muspah fight.
Make-x dartsWhen enabled, you will see a make-X screen when fletching darts.
Ammo-picking behaviourWhen enabled, ammo you pick up from the ground will attempt to equip itself to your quiver or bolt pouch, if those contain matching ammo.
Rune-picking behaviourWhen enabled, runes you pick up from the groun will attempt to go into your Rune pouch, if it contains matching runes.
Always empty rune pouches on deathWhen enabled, upon death with a rune pouch, its contents will be emptied into the grave, even if the pouch itself is not lost. The pouch is always emptied if it is destroyed, or if the death is in PvP, regardless of this option.
Always empty essence pouches on deathWhen enabled, upon death with a essence pouch, its contents will be emptied into the grave, even if the pouch itself is not lost. The pouch is always emptied if it is destroyed, or if the death is in PvP, regardless of this option.
Always empty bolt pouches on deathWhen enabled, upon death with a bolt pouch, its contents will be emptied into the grave, even if the pouch itself is not lost. The pouch is always emptied if it is destroyed, or if the death is in PvP, regardless of this option.
Always empty herb sacks on deathWhen enabled, upon death with a herb sack, its contents will be emptied into the grave, even if the sack itself is not lost. The sack is always emptied if it is destroyed, or if the death is in PvP, regardless of this option.
Always empty seed boxes on deathWhen enabled, upon death with a seed box, its contents will be emptied into the grave, even if the box itself is not lost. The box is always emptied if it is destroyed, or if the death is in PvP, regardless of this option.
Always empty tackle boxes on deathWhen enabled, upon death with a tackle box, its contents will be emptied into the grave, even if the box itself is not lost. The box is always emptied if it is destroyed, or if the death is in PvP, regardless of this option.
Looting bag - Store allWhen enabled, when using items on your looting bag, you will immediately store as many of that item as possible in the bag.
Looting bag - Ignore suppliesWhen enabled, food and potions will be prevented from being automatically put into your looting bag.

Camera Effects[edit | edit source]

Options on the compass for orienting the camera also set its vertical angleWhen enabled, the compass options that orient the camera towards North, South, East or West will use a fixed vertical angle rather than preserving its current height.
Show the camera effect when in Baba Yaga's houseWhen enabled, there is a camera effect when inside Baba Yaga's house.
Show the camera effect when on the Fishing TrawlerWhen enabled, there is a camera effect whilst playing the Fishing Trawler minigame.
Show the camera effect after looting the Barrows' chestWhen enabled, there is a camera effect after looting the Barrows' chest.

Beta Worlds[edit | edit source]

Convert save to beta worldsUsing these options will affect your save game on beta worlds. The convert option will take a copy of your latest save point, and put it on your beta save profile. When you next sign in to a beta world, you will sign in in that exact state. The reset option will wipe all of your stats, and so on, to experience the beta world similarly to if you had just left Tutorial Island.
Reset beta world save

Interfaces[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

Game client layoutChoose the layout of the game client. There are three options:
  • Fixed - Classic layout - toggles the game client to be a fixed size of 765x503 pixels.
  • Resizable - Classic layout - toggles the game client to fill the window, but has the side-panels in the classic format.
  • Resizable - Modern layout - toggles the game client to fill the window, but has the side-panels attached to the bottom of the window.
Interface scaling(Steam clients only) A slider that scales the interface's components. Suitable for large display monitors where the default interface size may appear small. Can only be changed in resizable mode.
Interface scaling mode(Steam clients only) Choose how the interface is scaled. Note that this can affect performance and quality of the scaling. There are three options:
  • Nearest-Neighbour
  • Linear
  • Bicubic
Enable minimap zoom(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, allows you to increase and decrease the zoom of the minimap by scrolling, while the mouse cursor over the minimap.
Minimap - Zoom level(Mobile and Steam clients only) Change the zoom level of the minimap.
Hide minimap icons when zoomed out(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, minimap icons will be hidden while the minimap is fully zoomed-out.
Show attack style(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, your active attack style will be displayed on the top level interface.
Show data orbsWhen enabled, data orbs are shown around the world map
Show mouseover text(Steam clients only) When enabled, whatever action you have highlight in game will be shown in the top-left of your screen.
Show the Store button on desktopWhen enabled, show the store button around the minimap on desktop only.
Show Wiki entity lookupWhen enabled, the Wiki entity lookup will be diplayed under the minimap.
Show Activity AdviserWhen enabled, the Activity Adviser button will be diplayed under the minimap.
Block spontaneous pop-up promotional messagesWhen enabled, spontaneous pop-up promotional messages will automatically be blocked.
Collection log - New addition popupOpens a popup whenever a new item is added to your Collection log.
Combat Achievements Tasks - Completion popupChoose whether completing a Combat Achievements task would be accompanied by a popup box.
Accept trade delayWhen enabled, you will have to wait 3 seconds after a change is made before you can click the accept button when trading another player.
Precise combat level(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, the combat level in the Combat Options interface will be shown to two decimal places rather than a whole number. This setting is off by default.
Disable level-up interfaceWhen enabled, the level-up interface will no longer open and skill unlocks will no be shown. You will continue to get level-up fireworks, jingles, messages, and broadcasts, but levelling will no longer delay or interrupt your actions.
Enable new-style skill guide interfaceWhen enabled, the skill guide interface will feature a look that allows it to be resized as well as moved.

Quest List[edit | edit source]

Quest list sortingDetermines how the Quest List should be sorted.
  • Classic - Sorted by default (free-to-play quests alphabetically, then member's quests alphabetically).
  • Alphabetically - Sorted alphabetically.
  • Status - Sorted by quests that have been started, not started, then completed (in alphabetical order).
  • Difficulty - Sorted by difficulty (in alphabetical order): Novice, Intermediate, Experienced, Master, Grandmaster, and Special.
  • Length - Sorted by length (in alphabetical order): Very Short, Short, Medium, Long, and Very Long.
  • Storyline - Sorted by storyline (in chronological order).
Show quests you lack the requirements forDetermines how quests that you lack the requirements for are shown.
  • Show as normal
  • Show as unavailable
  • Hide
Show quests you lack the recommended stats forDetermines how quests that you lack the recommended stats for are shown.
  • Show as normal
  • Show as unavailable
  • Hide
Hide unstarted questsHides unstarted quests in the quest list.
Hide quests in progressHides quests in progress in the quest list.
Hide completed questsHides completed quests in the quest list.
Hide miniquestsHides miniquests in the quest list.
Hide questsHides quests in the quest list.
Quest list text sizeDetermines the size of the text in your quest list.
  • Small
  • Large
Disable quest list text shadowsRemoves shadows from the text in your quest list.
Unstarted quest text colourDetermines the text colour for unstarted quests in your quest list. By default, the colour is #ff0000.
In progress quest text colourDetermines the text colour for quests in progress in your quest list. By default, the colour is #ffff00.
Completed quest text colourDetermines the text colour for completed quests in your quest list. By default, the colour is #0dc10d.
Unavailable quest text colourDetermines the text colour for unavailable quests in your quest list. By default, the colour is #9f9f9f.

Tooltips[edit | edit source]

Show the remaining XP for a level in the stats panelWhen enabled, displays the XP needed to reach the next level when viewing the amount of XP you have in a skill.
Show mouseover tooltips(Steam clients only) When enabled, whatever action you have highlighted in game will be shown as a tooltip.
Show number of options in mouseover tooltipsWhen enabled, mouseover tooltips will also show how many more options are available in the menu.
Show prayer tooltipsWhen enabled, hovering over a prayer shows the prayer effect.
Show special attack tooltipWhen enabled over the special attack bar will show its effect.

Resizable[edit | edit source]

Click through transparent chatboxWhen enabled, if you have a transparent chat box, you can click through it.
Transparent chatboxWhen enabled, in resizable mode make the chatbox background transparent.
Transparent side panelWhen enabled, your side panel will be transparent.
Chat box scrollbar postionWhich side the scrollbar should be placed in the chat box.
Modern Layout - Side panel visual appearanceWhich visual appearance your side panel should take.

Modified Stats Overlay[edit | edit source]

Note: These options are currently only available on Steam clients.

Players can choose to enable the Modified stats overlay, which can show them their boosted or unboosted stats in an overlay.

Display modified stats overlayChoose whether modified stats overlay is shown.
Show tooltips for modified stats overlayChoose whether tooltips are shown when hovering the mouse cursor above a modified stat overlay.
Display relative stat valueChoose whether difference between stat and its modified value is shown instead of currect stat value.
Number of modified stats to showChoose how many stats that are modified to show. Can only choose between 1 and 6.

Buff Bar[edit | edit source]

Note: These options are currently only available on Steam clients.

Players can choose to enable the buff bar, allowing them to know which items or spells are on cooldown, the duration of certain potions effects, etc.

Display buff barChoose whether the buff bar would be enabled.
Tooltips for buffsChoose whether tooltips are shown when hovering the mouse cursor above a buff.
Home teleport cooldownChoose whether the Home teleport spell cooldown timer is shown in the buff bar.
Minigame teleport cooldownChoose whether Minigame teleport cooldown timer is shown in the buff bar.
Teleport block durationChoose whether Teleblock duration timer is shown in the buff bar, when Teleblocked.
Charge buff durationChoose whether Charge effects duration timer is shown in the buff bar.
Godwars altar cooldownChoose whether there would be a cooldown timer after using the God Wars Dungeon altars in the buff bar.
Dragonfire and wyvern shields cooldownChoose whether there would be a cooldown timer after using a charge of dragonfire shield or ancient wyvern shield on an enemy in the buff bar.
Imbued heart cooldownChoose whether there would be a cooldown timer after using an Imbued heart in the buff bar.
Vengeance cooldownChoose whether Vengeance cooldown timer would appear in the buff bar.
Vengeance activeChoose whether if Vengeance is shown as active in the buff bar.
Stamina durationChoose whether Stamina potion effects duration timer would appear in the buff bar.
Prayer enhance durationChoose whether Prayer enhance effects duration timer would appear in the buff bar.
Overload durationChoose whether Overload potion effects duration timer would appear in the buff bar.
Magic imbue durationChoose whether Magic imbue effects duration would appear in the buff bar.
Abyssal sire stun durationChoose whether there would be a stun timer in the buff bar for when the Abyssal sire gets stunned.
Freeze/Entangled durationChoose whether Ice spells or Entangle/Snare/Bind effects duration timer would appear in the buff bar.
Staff of the Dead special durationChoose whether the Staff of the Dead special attack effects duration timer would appear in the buff bar, when activated.
Divine potion durationsChoose whether Divine potions effects duration would appear in the buff bar.
Antifire potion durationsChoose whether Antifire potions effects would appear in the buff bar.
Anti-venom and poison potion durationsChoose whether Anti poison or venom potions effects duration would appear in the buff bar.
Corruption active and durationChoose whether the active and cooldown timer for Corruption spells is shown in the buff bar.
Mark of Darkness activeChoose whether the active and cooldown timer for Mark of Darkness is shown in the buff bar.
Shadow Veil active and durationChoose whether the active and cooldown timer for Shadow Veil is shown in the buff bar.
Death Charge active and durationChoose whether the active and cooldown timer for Death Charge is shown in the buff bar.
Ward of Arceuus active and durationChoose whether the active and cooldown timer for the Ward of Arceuus is shown in the buff bar.
Resurrection active and durationChoose whether the active and cooldown timer for Thralls is shown in the buff bar.
Remaining ammoChoose whether ammo is shown in the buff bar.
Scurrius food pileChoose whether a timer for eating food piles in Scurrius' lair is shown in the buff bar.

Popout[edit | edit source]

Popout Windows[edit | edit source]

Popout panel(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, the popout panel will be shown to the right if a popout window is enabled.

Loot Tracker[edit | edit source]

Loot Tracker - Track Loot(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, loot will be added to the loot tracker when you gain it from combat, skilling and other sources. Loot is remembered between sessions but only on the device the loot was caught.
Loot Tracker - Track consumed Loot(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, items that are automatically destroyed (e.g. logs burnt via infernal axe) will be tracked.
Loot Tracker - Item ignore list(Mobile and Steam clients only) A comma-separated list of items to be ignored by loot tracker can be input here.
Loot Tracker - Source ignore list(Mobile and Steam clients only) A comma-separated list of sources to be ignored by loot tracker can be input here.

Ground Items Overlay[edit | edit source]

Ground Items Overlay(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, items on the ground may display an overlay to tell what items are available and how much they are worth.
Ground Items - Maximum lines shown(Mobile and Steam clients only) Maximum number of lines to be shown on the ground items overlay. Default is 5.
Ground Items - Show price(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, items on the ground will have their price displayed next to the name of the item.
Ground Items Overlay - Alchemy value(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, ground items overlay will display prices as High Level Alchemy value instead of Grand Exchange price.
Ground Items - Show non-exchangeable items(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, items which cannot be traded on the Grand Exchange will be shown in the ground items overlay.
Ground Items Overlay - Time until items despawn(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, ground items overlay will display the time remaining until a given item will despawn. Can choose between On, Off, and On with key held. Key held will be dependant with the ground items modifier key.
Ground Items Overlay - Time until items are visible to others(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, ground items overlay will display the time remaining until a given item will be visible to other players. Can choose between On, Off, and On with key held. Key held will be dependant with the ground items modifier key.
Ground Items Overlay - Edit mode(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, ground items overlay will display all items, even those filtered out, and offers the ability to add them as filters or highlights. Can choose between On, Off, and On with key held. Key held will be dependant with the ground items modifier key.
Ground Items Overlay - Modifier key(Steam clients only) When any information on the ground items overlay is set to be shown with key held, pressing this key will show such information. Can choose between Ctrl and Shift.
Ground Items Overlay - Custom highlight colour(Mobile and Steam clients only) The colour that custom highlighted items, as determined by the list of highlights, will be displayed as. Default is #aa00ff.
Ground Items Overlay - Tier 5 colour(Mobile and Steam clients only) The colour that tier 5 items, as determined by the tier 5 item price, will be displayed as. Default is #ff66b2.
Ground Items Overlay - Tier 5 price(Mobile and Steam clients only) The minimum price of an item for it to show up as a tier 5 coloured item in ground items displays. Default is 10,000,000 coins.
Ground Items Overlay - Tier 4 colour(Mobile and Steam clients only) The colour that tier 4 items, as determined by the tier 4 item price, will be displayed as. Default is #ff9600.
Ground Items Overlay - Tier 4 price(Mobile and Steam clients only) The minimum price of an item for it to show up as a tier 4 coloured item in ground items displays. Default is 1,000,000 coins.
Ground Items Overlay - Tier 3 colour(Mobile and Steam clients only) The colour that tier 3 items, as determined by the tier 3 item price, will be displayed as. Default is #99ff99.
Ground Items Overlay - Tier 3 price(Mobile and Steam clients only) The minimum price of an item for it to show up as a tier 3 coloured item in ground items displays. Default is 100,000 coins.
Ground Items Overlay - Tier 2 colour(Mobile and Steam clients only) The colour that tier 2 items, as determined by the tier 2 item price, will be displayed as. Default is #66b2ff.
Ground Items Overlay - Tier 2 price(Mobile and Steam clients only) The minimum price of an item for it to show up as a tier 2 coloured item in ground items displays. Default is 20,000 coins.
Ground Items Overlay - Tier 1 colour(Mobile and Steam clients only) The colour that tier 1 items, as determined by the tier 1 item price, will be displayed as. Default is #ffffff.
Ground Items Overlay - Tier 1 price(Mobile and Steam clients only) The minimum price of an item for it to show up as a tier 1 coloured item in ground items displays. Default is 0 coin.

Warnings[edit | edit source]

Teleports and Tablets[edit | edit source]

The Teleports settings control messages for teleportation spells, magic tablets, and levers that take players to the Wilderness. Players can individually choose which warnings to enable or disable.

For teleports, this includes:

For magic tablets, this includes:

For teleport levers, this includes:

Items[edit | edit source]

Drop item warningChoose whether there would be a warning when the item that it going to be dropped exceeds minimum item value specified below.
Minimum item value needed for drop item warningSets a threshold for the drop item warning. If the value of an item is higher than the chosen threshold, players will be warned if they really wish to drop it. The maximum value is 500,000,000 coins.
Casting Alchemy spells on Untradeable items always triggers a warningChoose whether a warning will appear when attempting to cast Low or High Level Alchemy on an untradeable item.
Minimum item value needed for Alchemy spells warningSets a threshold for the Alchemy spells warning. If the value of an item is higher than the chosen threshold, players will be warned if they really wish to cast Alchemy spells on it. The maximum value is 2,147,483,647 coins.
Display a warning on login if there are items stored in an item retrieval service

Confirmations[edit | edit source]

Charter Ship confirmationToggles payment confirmation messages for Charter Ship payments.
Show confirmation when paying for items from gravestoneToggles whether or not a confirmation appears when paying for items from your gravestone.
Farming protection payment confirmationToggles whether or not payment confirmations appear when paying a gardener to watch over a crop.
World Switcher confirmationWhen enabled, you will be asked to confirm your selection when using the in-game World Switcher menu to change worlds. Especially dangerous worlds, such as PvP worlds, may give warnings regardless.
Post-quest Poison Karambwan confirmationWhen enabled, if you have already learnt to cook karambwan properly, but choose to cook one poorly, you will be asked to confirm your choice. This warning is offered only after you have learnt to cook them properly.

Other notifications[edit | edit source]

Logout notifier(Mobile and Steam clients only) When enabled, a desktop notification will be sent 30 seconds before you logout.
Show warning on exiting Ferox Enclave
Show warning on taking a canoe to the Wilderness
Show warning on taking a canoe to the Wilderness on a High Risk world
Show warning when a buy offer price is too high in the Grand ExchangeWhen enabled, shows a warning when placing a buy offer that is more than 10 times the guide price
Show warning when a sell offer price is too low in the Grand ExchangeWhen enabled, shows a warning when placing a sell offer that is lower than 10 times the guide price

Other settings[edit | edit source]

The remaining settings are accessed via the Settings side-panel, rather than the main settings interface.

Settings (6)
Toggle Accept AidChoose whether or not to be affected by special Magic spells that affect other players, such as the Teleother spells or the Cure Other and Tele Group spells from the Lunar spellbook. Players with Accept Aid off cannot be recruited for the Barbarian Assault minigame.
Settings (7)
Toggle RunChoose whether to be running or walking. While running, run energy is consumed, which is shown as 1 to 100%. This can also be toggled using the data orb displaying run energy.
Settings (8)
View House OptionsThis contains various options for a player-owned house.
Settings (9)
Open Bond PouchThis button will open the Old School bonds interface, which will display the number of tradeable and untradeable membership bonds the player has deposited in the interface, and allows the deposition and withdrawal of said bonds.

House options[edit | edit source]

Settings (10)

The house options contain various options used in customising your player-owned house. It also shows how many rooms are in your house.

ViewerThis opens the house viewer, which allows players to customise the layout of their house. This can only be used while in building mode.
Building ModeThis toggles building mode. It can only be used while you are within the house.
Teleport InsideThis toggles whether players teleport inside or outside their house when they cast Teleport to House.
Default Building ModeThis toggles whether players teleport into their house in building mode or not.
DoorsThis affects whether the doors in your house will be open or closed by default. It can also render your house without any doors at all.
Expel GuestsThis expels every player currently in your house and causes them to reappear at the house portal. Note that this cannot be used to expel individual players.
Leave HouseThis button can be used to leave your own or a guest's house without having to go to the exit portal.
Call ServantThis button can be used to call a servant, should you have one employed.

Changes[edit | edit source]


A selection menu has been added to the audio settings for selecting the sound played when a player is hit in combat.


The brightness sliders in the settings menu and settings tab are now in sync.

  • A toggle has been added for the confirmation prompt for cooking a poison karambwan.
  • A toggle has been added for Food Pile timer in the buff bar.
  • A toggle has been added to break down loot gained from different events separately.
  • A toggle has been added for untradeable items in the "Ground Item Overlay" options.
  • A "Reset beta world save" button has been added to the "Beta Worlds" settings.
  • A setting to toggle the new skill guide style has been added to interface settings.

Settings to toggle bolt pouch, seed box, tackle box, essence pouch, or herb sack being emptied upon death behaviours have been added.


A new setting to set the maximum number of items shown on Ground Items list has been added.

  • Players that had the XP tracker last week will now find it turned back on.
  • A new setting has been added to the settings menu which will allow you to turn off item prices on the ground overlay.

XP tracker overlay's toggle has been removed. It instead depends on popout panel toggle

  • Added Ground Item Indicator and the Loot Tracker settings.
  • Added a new master volume slider to the audio settings
  • Players on the Steam Client now have Anti-Aliasing options.

Players can now toggle a ‘Make-x’ interface for fletching darts.


A new Gameplay setting has been added to allow players to disable the level-up interface.


Two new options have been added allowing players to have permanently banned and muted accounts removed from their Ignore list.


A new option has been added to the Settings menu which allows players to toggle whether the Trade option is shown on other players.

  • A minimap zoom slider has been added.
  • Minimap zoom will now be remembered on both mobile and desktop clients.
  • A setting to display the combat level to two decimal places rather than a whole number has been added.

More informative warnings have been added for High-Risk worlds when entering the Wilderness via the Wilderness ditch, Ferox Enclave or canoes.


Automatic Arrow equipping and Rune pouch storage can now be turned on in the Settings menu.


Players can now enable warnings when a buy or sell offer is too high or low in the Grand Exchange.


Players can now change the default destination on the deep Wilderness teleport lever to Edgeville or Ardougne.

  • Players can now toggle their default player-owned house teleport to Building Mode via the settings menu.
  • A setting has been added to the Confirmations category, in the Warnings settings tab, to disable confirmation for Charter Ship payments.

Camera effects found inside Baba Yaga's house, Barrows, and the Fishing Trawler minigame can now be toggled in the Settings menu.


All settings for in-game features and overlays previously only available on the Steam client are now also available on the Mobile client.


An option to prevent getting skulled has been added.


Various settings have been added to the Steam client, to note a few:

  • Woodcutting helper
  • Slayer helper

An option for desktop players to display a bond button on their interface has been added to settings.


Settings have been re-organised. Various settings have been added to the Steam client, to note a few:

  • Extended draw distance
  • Tile indicators

Multiple settings have been added to the Gameplay section to accompany the Combat Achievements release.


More increments on the volume and brightness sliders have been added.


Various settings have been added to the Steam client, to note a few:

  • Frames Per Second Limiter
  • Helper overlays and tile markers
  • Mouse tooltips
  • Buff bar
  • Guest clan chat colours are now separate from clan chat colours.
  • Players can now input their own custom chat colours using RGB and hex code colours.

Chat colour customisation options have been added to the Settings menu.


A toggle to change the sidepanel border has been added to the Settings menu.


A typo has been fixed in the Settings menu.


The option text for the brightness control in the Settings side-panel now refers to brightness, rather than music volume.


Players may now opt out of dropping supplies upon death via toggling it in the Settings menu.


An option to change the fog colour within Last Man Standing has been added.

  • The Brightness and Client Size settings have been moved back to the side panel, under Display Settings.
  • The Bond button has been re-added to the side panel, under Controls Settings.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when teleporting with the Audio tab open in the side panel.
  • Fixed a typo in the Settings search menu.
  • The position of the Call Servant and Exit House buttons have been swapped in the Player Owned House Settings, so that the Call Servant button once again lines up conveniently with the side panel button that opens this menu.
  • The side-panel has been renamed from "Options" to "Settings".
  • The Settings menu has been given a total overhaul, and a Search Bar has been added to help track down whichever toggle, button, or slider players are looking for.

An additional notch has been added to the maximum zoom setting to account for the maximum camera zoom distance increasing.

  • An option has been added under the controls section of the settings tab which, when enabled, allows you to hold Shift and left-click to drop an item from your inventory. This option is disabled by default.
  • "Notifications" have been moved to under "Chat" options.

A problem where attack options were being hidden has been resolved.


Attack options now default to hidden until your chosen setting is loaded to avoid left-click attack working upon logging in with slower connections.


The attack action options have been separated into two settings for players and NPCs. An additional option for hiding the attack option has also been added for both players and NPCs.


Using ESC to close interfaces now functions with the rune pouch and bank deposit box interfaces.

  • You can now click on the zoom slider to instantly alter the zoom level to that point.
  • The zoom slider can now zoom out as far as the scroll wheel.
  • A visual glitch where the slider moved when teleporting is now fixed.
  • The camera height now moves up slightly as you zoom in to keep the character in the correct position on the screen.
  • It is now much easier to aim the toad cannon and hit the sheep in Mourning's End Pt. 1 in resizable mode.
  • Separated out some interface and graphics options into an 'advanced options' menu.
  • Added two toggles for click through chat box and whether hotkeys can be used to close side-panels when using resizable mode.

Resizable mode has been added.


A 'buy' button has been added to the Membership Bonds interface to help players find their way to the correct page.


Filtering chat will now filter both what you see in the chatbox and what is displayed over the heads of other players.

  • Sub menus have been created for Display, Audio, Chat & Control options that are accessed by the 4 tab buttons at the top of the interface.
  • New toggles have been added to the interface for roof removal and the stat panel tooltip to show XP remaining to next level.
  • You can also now select how to prioritize the Attack option on monsters and other players.
  • Now you can choose to make Attack always be the left-click option
  • You can also choose to make Attack always be a right-click option.

The middle mouse-button can now be used to rotate the game camera. For players who'd prefer to use that button for clicking instead, there's a new button on the Options menu to restore the previous behaviour. The volume controls have moved to a separate Audio Options panel to accommodate this.


The player-owned house options menu now has a new toggle button, allowing you to have your POH rendered with its doors already open.


An extra button has been added to the options menu, allowing you to disable the profanity filter.

Historical settings icons[edit | edit source]

  • Settings (11)

    Display options interface

  • Settings (12)

    Audio options interface

  • Settings (13)

    Chat options interface

  • Settings (14)

    Controls options interface

  • Settings (15)

    Area Sound

  • Settings (16)

    Adjust Screen Brightness

  • Settings (17)


  • Settings (18)

    Fixed mode

  • Settings (19)

    Music Volume

  • Settings (20)

    Resizeable mode

  • Settings (21)

    Sound Effect

  • Settings (22)

    Toggle Chat Effects

  • Settings (23)

    Toggle Data orbs

  • Settings (24)

    Toggle hide private chat

  • Settings (25)

    Toggle 'Remaining XP'

  • Settings (26)

    Toggle number of mouse buttons

  • Settings (27)

    Toggle roof-removal

  • Settings (28)

    Toggle Split private chat

  • Settings (29)

    Toggle Stones arrangement

  • Settings (30)

    Toggle Transparent chatbox

  • Settings (31)

    Toggle transparent side panel

  • Settings (32)

    Mouse scroll zooming

  • Settings (33)


  • Settings (34)

    Prayer tooltips

  • Settings (35)

    Special attack tooltips

  • Settings (36)

    Chatbox scrollbar

  • Settings (37)

    Toggle Wiki lookup

  • Settings (38)

    Hitsplat tinting

  • Settings (39)

    Toggle Health Overlay

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The house options menu is accessible in F2P worlds, regardless if the player is P2P or F2P.
  • Within the Search bar of the main settings interface, players can type in various terms that result in predetermined responses:
Search termResult
buying gf10k.
rngThere are no settings for rng, you will just need to suck it up I'm afraid.
Goblin LeagueRelease date TBA.
the answer to life42.
the answer to life the universe and everything
the answer to life, the universe and everything
winter 2017Mobile coming soon.
a q pW
PaulRargh, I'm a lava monster!


Control Panel
Settings (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

Last Updated:

Views: 5962

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.