Spectroscopy: Is There Life Out There (2024)

TITLEOF LESSON: Colligative Properties




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Chemweb.Colligative Properties of Solutions: Freezing Point Depression. Retrieved 3 Oct, 2006.


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Environmental Sciences:

(13)Science concepts. The student knowsrelationships among the concentration, electrical conductivity, and colligativeproperties of a solution. The student is expected to:

(B)interpret relationships among ionic andcovalent compounds, electrical conductivity, and colligative properties ofwater; and


(12)Science concepts. The student knows the factorsthat influence the solubility of solutes in a solvent. The student is expectedto:

(A)demonstrate andexplain effects of temperature and the nature of solid solutes on thesolubility of solids;

(B)develop generalrules for solubility through investigations with aqueous solutions; and

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Studentswill be able to:

<![if !supportLists]>¤<![endif]>Define colligativeproperties and give four examples of colligative properties

<![if !supportLists]>¤<![endif]>Use experimental data toestimate vanÕt HoffÕs factor

<![if !supportLists]>¤<![endif]>Use the Freezing PointDepression equation to calculate the Molarity of an unknown solutioin

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  • ice
  • rock salt
  • various solutions
  • unknown solution
  • large test tubes (17x100mm ones in the middle of the room)
  • temperature probe attached to Vernier interface
  • 600-mL beaker
  • 50 mL graduated cylinder

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Be careful with thethermometers; they are delicate and can break. These solutions will become verycold and should not be left in contact with studentsÕ skin for any amount oftime.

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<![if !supportLists]>¤<![endif]>Lab Guide

<![if !supportLists]>¤<![endif]>Calculation Sheet

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If you donÕt know the answer now, youÕll know by the end of today!

Why do they put ice on the roads in the winter?

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How does it work?

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Today weÕre talking about colligative properties. These are physical properties that depend only on the amount of solute present in the solution, not on the properties of the solute. Today, youÕll be exploring how solutes affect the freezing point. YouÕll do the experiment on freezing points, and then weÕll talk more about colligative properties. Students are given the lab procedure. We discuss it as a group, then they complete it.

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Explanation: Discuss results.

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Show students what the unknowns were.

What did you find?

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What correlation do you see between the amount of solute present and the freezing point?

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How did your value of the vanÕt Hoff factor compare to the ideal one?

Answers will vary. Allow different groups to compare results.

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More solutes dissolved in the solution lower the freezing point. (Give this a name: freezing point depression.)


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There are three other colligative properties that have to do with osmotic pressure, vapor pressure, and the boiling point.

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Do you think having more solutes in a solution will cause boiling point depression or elevation? Why?

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Why do they put salt on the ground in the North?

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Answer the following questions in your lab notebook:

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1. Explain, in your own words, why the actual van't Hoff factor is typically lower than the ideal one.

2. Ethylene glycol (C2H6O) is added to automobile radiators to prevent cooling water from freezing. What mass of ethylene glycol must be added to 2.00 L of water to prevent the water in an automobile cooling system from freezing at –20.0¡C?

3. When an aqueous solution is cooled to low temperatures, part of the water freezes as pure ice. What happens to the freezing point of the remaining solution when this occurs? Explain.

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Colligative Properties

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-----<![if !vml]>Spectroscopy: Is There Life Out There (1)<![endif]>MATERIALS


  • ice
  • rock salt
  • various solutions
  • unknown solution

-----<![if !vml]>Spectroscopy: Is There Life Out There (2)<![endif]>EQUIPMENT

  • large test tubes (17x100mm ones in the middle of the room)
  • temperature probe attached to Vernier interface
  • 600-mL beaker
  • 50 mL graduated cylinder

-----<![if !vml]>Spectroscopy: Is There Life Out There (3)<![endif]>SAFETY PRECAUTIONS:

Goggles must be worn throughout the experiment.

-----<![if !vml]>Spectroscopy: Is There Life Out There (4)<![endif]>:BACKGROUND:

The purpose of this experiment is todemonstrate the effect of different solutes on the freezing point of water. Inthis experiment, we'll use the colligative property freezing pointdepression (ΔTfp) todetermine the van't Hoff factor i for different known solutes and the molar mass of an unknown solute.

In the first part of the experiment, varioussolutes are added to water and the resultant freezing points of the solutionsare determined. The actual value of the van't Hoff factor i, or number of dissolved particles per formula unit,is determined from the measured freezing point. This is then compared to theideal van't Hoff factor. In the second part, the molar mass of an unknownsolution is determined. Calculations involve use of the following equation forthe change in temperature (in¡C) :

ΔTfp = Kfm ¥ i

Kf is a constantfor the solvent in ¡C/ m (weÕll name this constant later)

m is the molality of the solution in mol solute/kgsolvent

i is the van't Hoff factor

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-----<![if !vml]>Spectroscopy: Is There Life Out There (5)<![endif]>PROCEDURE:

As usual, all data should berecorded in your lab notebooks. Eachpair at your tablewill investigate one of four known solutions. You will share your data withothers at your table so that each pair has data on four solutions.

NOTE: The amount of solute per gramof solvent will be indicated on the stock bottle of each solution, you willrecord this information and use it to calculate the molality of the solution.

Preparation of Ice Bath

  1. Fill the beaker 3/4 full with ice.
  2. Cover the ice with 1/4 to 1/2 inches of rock salt.
  3. Stir this ice-salt mixture with a stirring rod and make sure the temperature drops to -5¡C or below.

Determination of FreezingPoint of Pure Water

1. Make sure your temperature probeis connected to the interface. Open LoggerPro using the FP.xmbl file found onthe desktop in the Chem 125 folder. Make sure you always use this file and not"untitled".

2. Place a test tube that is 1/2full of deionized water in the ice bath.

3. Place the temperature probe inthe middle of the water layer. Then press "collect" and stir thewater in the test tube gently with the temperature probe while LoggerProrecords the temperature.

IMPORTANT: Keep theprobe off of the bottom of the test tube. Why do you think you need to do this?

4. When the first ice crystalsappear on the inside wall of the test tube, you should observe the recordedtemperature to level off. This should be the freezing point of pure water.Record the value in your lab notebook to the proper number of significantfigures.

Determination of FreezingPoints of Solutions:

1. Obtain about 25 mL of yourassigned solution in your graduated cylinder. Make sure you record the identityof the solution as well as the given concentration.

2. Repeat steps 2-4 with thissolution to record the freezing point of the solution. You should do this atleast three times. Take the average of the measured freezing point data.

3. Share your freezing point datafor your solution with the others at your table*. Get freezing point data forthree other solutions from the other students at your table. Plotrepresentative freezing curves for each solution on the same graph, making sureto clearly distinguish each curve. Turn in this graph with your report.

4. Calculate the molalities of eachsolution from the given concentration information.

5. Using the measured freezing pointdata and your calculated molalities, determine the value of i for each solution. Kf for water = 1.86¡C/m.

* You will want to share data aftertransferring it to Excel. Probably the easiest way to do this is to firsttransfer your data (copy & paste) from LoggerPro to Excel, give the Excelworkbook a distinct name that includes your computer number, then save yourExcel workbook and quit Excel. You can email the file to others.

Molar Mass Determination FromFreezing Point Data

1. Obtain an unknown solution, makesure you record the unknown number as well as given concentration informationin your notebook. Unless instructed otherwise,each partner should have their own unknown!

2. Freeze this solution in the samemanner as you did the previous solutions. Be sure to record the freezing pointtemperature.

3. Calculate the molecular mass ofthis solute based on the freezing point depression (i = 1.0).


Dispose of the solutions asinstructed.

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Determination of Freezing Points of Solutions:

Name & Formula of Solution investigated:

Given concentration of solution:

Molal Solution Concentration:

Experimental Tfp for pure water:

Show your calculation of molality below:



ΔTfp (¡C)


Tfp Solution (¡C)


ΔTfp (¡C)




Average Experimental ΔTfp :

Show your calculation for the theoretical ΔTfp for your solution:

Create an overlay plot of Temperature versus Time containing both your data for pure water and a representative curve of your data for your solution. Also include on this graph as overlay plots representative data from each of the other solutions investigated at your cluster. Use the format that best illustrates these freezing curves. This graph must be submitted along with your report.

Determination of van't Hoff Factors of Solutions:

You must share your results from above with everyone at your cluster to complete the table below. EACH SET OF PARTNERS must complete all the calculations for this table independently!!!!



Average Experimental ΔTfp

Theoretical i

Experimental i

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For the solution that you investigated, show how you determined the experimental value of i below:

For the solution that you investigated, explain how you determined the theoretical value i

Molar Mass Determination From Change in Freezing Point

Unknown #

Molality of the unknown

Molar mass of unknown

Show how you determined the molar mass of your unknown below:

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Spectroscopy: Is There Life Out There (2024)
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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.