Vegetable rows: north to south or east to west? (2024)

Question for Dan Gill:Which way should I run the rows in my vegetable garden to be most productive? Should I run the rows in a north-south direction, or in an east-west direction, and why?--Michael Coates

Answer:This question has actually been given a lot of thought, but there isn't universal agreement on the answer. First, this is not a major issue. You can grow a successful vegetable garden whichever way you run the rows, as long as you pay attention to where you plant taller and shorter growing vegetables. Always plant the tallest vegetables to the northern side of the garden and the shorter growing vegetables to the southern side of the garden. That said, most recommendations agree that planting north-south is marginally better. The north-south orientation allows the sun to penetrate the garden by shining down the rows. This is especially helpful during the winter gardening period when the sun stays relatively low in the sky.

That said, however, I also have run the rows east to west. That way, as the sun crosses the southern sky everyday it will broadside the vegetables all day long. Again, be sure to plant your tallest vegetables (like those you would trellis) on the north side of the garden. If you plant the tallest vegetables on the south side their shadow will be cast over the next row or two.

Dan Gill is a horticulturist with the LSU AgCenter. Email questions tognogardening@agcenter.lsu.eduor add them to the comment section below. Follow his stories, onFacebookand@nolahomegardenon Instagram.

Vegetable rows: north to south or east to west? (2024)


Vegetable rows: north to south or east to west? ›

Most experts believe that the best way to orient garden rows in the Northern hemisphere is north to south. This gives the most sun exposure and allows for ample air circulation. When crops are planted east to west, the rows tend to shade each other.

What direction should vegetable garden rows run? ›

Most folks agree that planting north-south is marginally better, with the rationale running as follows: When rows run east-west, a tall crop in a south row can easily shade out a shorter crop in the next row north.

Should a garden be north, south, or east, west? ›

Always plant the tallest vegetables to the northern side of the garden and the shorter growing vegetables to the southern side of the garden. That said, most recommendations agree that planting north-south is marginally better. The north-south orientation allows the sun to penetrate the garden by shining down the rows.

What is the row vegetable garden layout? ›

Rows Vegetable Garden Layout Plan

The other rule of thumb when using this layout plan is to organize your spacing so that your tallest growing vegetables are planted on the north side of your rows. Follow them with medium height vegetables, and then plant your shortest crop on the south side of the rows.

What is the best orientation for a garden? ›

The direction your garden faces helps you determine when it's exposed to the sun, and how bright that sunlight is.
  • South-facing gardens get the most sun exposure. From sunrise to sunset, the garden is lit up (as long as it isn't shaded by trees). ...
  • North-facing gardens get the least amount of sun exposure.

Is it better to have a garden facing east or west? ›

Leafy greens like spinach, cabbage, and arugula grow amazingly well in east-facing gardens, as do colorful flowers like impatiens and fuchsias. West-facing gardens take the second place prize for the most amount of sun. The soft morning light is usually blocked, but the sun in the afternoon shines down brightly.

What is the best layout for a vegetable garden? ›

As a general rule, put tall veggies toward the back of the bed, mid-sized ones in the middle, and smaller plants in the front or as a border. Consider adding pollinator plants to attract beneficial insects that can not only help you get a better harvest, but will also prey on garden pests.

Which direction should tomato plants face? ›

The best place to plant your tomatoes is in a location within your garden that gets full sun—at least 8-10 hours of direct light every day, though the hours don't necessarily need to be consecutive. For people who live in the Northern Hemisphere, south- and west-facing garden plots will get the most sun.

How to position a vegetable garden? ›

Ideally, choose the sunniest part of the garden for your beds, away from frost pockets. Most vegetables need 6 to 8 hours of direct sun a day! Note that the south, east, and west sides of your home will get more sun than the north.

Can you have a west facing garden? ›

With intense afternoon sun exposure and potential for dry soil, finding plants that can thrive in west facing gardens can be a bit of a challenge. However, with careful selection, you can still create a stunning garden that can withstand the conditions of a west facing garden.

What is the best row spacing for a garden? ›

  • Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage: 2' - 3' row spacing.
  • Tomatoes: 2' - 4' row spacing.
  • Summer Squash: 3' - 5' row spacing.
  • Winter Squash: 5' - 6' row spacing.
  • Cucumbers: 5' - 6' row spacing.

How do you plant vegetables in a row? ›

There are a couple of techniques that you can use when trying to get that nice straight row for planting in the garden area. The first trick is by using a string and two stakes. So we place a stake on each end of the row and run the string between the stakes and tie it off.

Is it better to plant vegetables in rows or groups? ›

If you have the space for it, row gardening allows you to plant more and harvest more vegetables. Squares are limited because if they are too big, you can't reach the plants in the middle. You are also limited in the amount of plants/veggies you can grow in the given space.

Which direction to plant vegetable rows? ›

Most experts believe that the best way to orient garden rows in the Northern hemisphere is north to south. This gives the most sun exposure and allows for ample air circulation. When crops are planted east to west, the rows tend to shade each other.

What is the best orientation for growing vegetables? ›

An east-west orientation has some advantages for frost protection, while a north-south orientation slightly increases the amount of sunlight reaching the plants. Since there is no major advantage, consider designing your garden to maximize efficiency and beauty.

What is the best side of the house for a vegetable garden? ›

West or south-facing sites are preferred. Vegetable production declines as sunlight decreases, yet some early season crops such as radish or lettuce may be able to be produced in an area that receives a partial day of shade.

Which direction to plant corn rows? ›

Where terrain permits, corn rows can be planted in either a north-south or an east-west direction. Sunlight penetrates more deeply into the plant canopy with north-south than with east-west rows.

What direction should garden beds be placed? ›

Determine the north/south axis of the site and lay out the beds either in a north/south or east/west direction, not on a diagonal. When incorporating a trellis for vine crops such as cucumbers, beans, or grapes, run it east/west, and locate it at the northern end of the bed. Shortest crops can occupy the southern end.

Is morning or afternoon sun better for vegetable garden? ›

Vegetables that produce roots grow best in partial sun – that is afternoon sun and morning shade. This includes carrots, parsnip, turnips, beetroot, radishes and potatoes. Vegetables where you eat the stems, buds or leaves generally prefer partial shade – that is morning sun and afternoon shade.

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