HiroZero (2024)

HiroZero is the het ship between Hiro and Zero Two from the DARLING in the FRANXX fandom.


  • 1 Canon
  • 2 Other Work
    • 2.1 Manga
    • 2.2 Drama CDs
  • 3 Fanon
  • 5 Fandom
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 Gallery
    • 7.1 Anime
    • 7.2 Official Art
  • 8 Navigation


Hiro and Zero Two were lovers and partners that fought against the Klaxosaurs. They had originally met as children, but Zero Two had her memories wiped whilst Hiro did not recognise her when they met again. Whilst Hiro is a determined and sincere person, Zero Two is much more outgoing, a little flamboyant and rebellious. However, she is also a nihilist and sees herself as a monster, because she is partly a Klaxosaur, and wishes to become human so she can be reunited with her Darling.

HiroZero (1)

Zero Two took an immediate liking to Hiro, since he tasted nice to her and did not show any fear despite her horns. She thus proposed he become her Darling (partner) but they were separated. Having a reputation for killing her partners when piloting her FRANXX, she struggled to fulfil her potential despite her great talent for combat. At the same time, Hiro struggled to successfully link up with any of his partners and also could not pilot a FRANXX. On an impulse they chose to pilot together, as they felt enchanted by each other, when they were attacked by a Klaxosaur. It quickly becomes apparent that they can successfully pilot together and even unlock the Iron Maiden form of their FRANXX. As a result, the two became partners.

Their relationship is very dotting on Zero Two’s part, whilst Hiro himself is bashful of her. She teases him frequently and is very flirtatious, showing clear fondness for him. When they piloted their FRANXX for the first time she gave him a kiss, something that Hiro had no conceptual understanding of because of the way he was brought up. The two start off on very good terms and do well to aid the rest of the squad despite the restrictions that is put on them due to Zero Two’s status and reputation. Hiro came to see Zero Two as his friend, but became unnerved when Mitsuru attempted to pilot with her and was put on the brink of death, she then reaffirms that Hiro is her only Darling. Initially, Hiro believed that he only wished to partner with her because she allowed him to pilot a FRANXX, but came to the realisation that he actually just wanted to be with her. As such, when she was about to be taken away from him he desperately begged her not to leave him and she gave him a reason to live. Moved, but also amused, by his words, she decides to knock out the guards escorting her and immediately joined him to help their squad.

HiroZero (2)

Despite his successes riding with her, he soon develops a Klauxsaur tumour on his chest that starts to infect the rest of his body. However, he remains undeterred and when talking with Zero Two he tells her firmly that he wants to continue piloting with her, which causes her to be overcome with joy. However, she starts to push him to his limits and has to rile him up in order for them to continue fighting in their battles. For a moment, Hiro falls unconscious in the heat of battle and Zero Two struggles to pilot her FRANXX by herself as she descends into a psychotic, animal like, state. Hiro’s determination for Zero Two, and probable sincere love, allows him to recover and cuddle her from behind as he calms her down. It is here he promises to never leave her, as neither of them can survive without the other. They regain control of their FRANXX and continue their battle.

Sadly, their relationship begins to dip. Unbeknownst to Hiro, Zero Two struggles with her own existence, as she is actually a Klauxsaur but wishes to become human so she can be with the boy she met as a child, which is why she fights Klauxsaurs as she was promised it would turn her human. She even breaks the mirror that Hiro had gifted her because she cannot stand her own reflection. This results in her becoming cold and distant towards him and rebuffing his request when he told her to talk to him if anything is on her mind. She becomes more aggressive in their battles and became angry with him when he stops her killing a Klaxosaur, despite the fact they would have died. It becomes clear that Zero Two’s view of Hiro is that of a tool, as she refers to him as “fodder” for her. She gradually becomes more agitated and annoyed with him as she feels he is getting in her way of becoming human. When he confessed his feelings for her she brushes them off, but pins him down and states she will show him what comes after kissing as she unbuttons his clothes but nothing came of it.

HiroZero (3)

By now, Zero Two has lost almost all her affection for him and the two ended up arguing during a battle. She no longer has faith in him and starts to strangle him in a frenzy, almost killing him. She tells him to just die, so she can feed off him and become human, and declares to him that she wants to be with her Darling from when she was a child. However, to her horror, Hiro realised that he was the child she had met as children and had saved her from the brutal experimental torture she was subjected to. To Zero Two, the boy she met was the first person to be kind to her and they survived out in the forrest on their own where they grew close. She would come to see him as her "Darling" after reading a picture book. When Zero Two realised Hiro was the same Darling from back then she was wrought with guilt for her actions, but was not allowed near him because of what she had done. She became lost in her mental state and even clawed at the walls in her bedroom because she could not see him. Hiro was in a hospital bed and wished to see Zero Two but was not allowed to do so. Because of this, he chose to sneak out of his room and reached her bedroom to find the mess she had made. At the same time, Zero Two had been given the chance to speak with Hiro in his hospital room but when he was not there she was overcome with anger as she felt she had been tricked by the others and began to assault all of them. When Hiro discovered this he was furious with her actions and called her a “monster”.

No longer partners, Zero Two was now forced to leave their squad and return to the front lines as originally planned. Despite what he had said, Hiro was not happy with this situation and contemplated going after her but was stopped by Ichigo, who was in love with him, and kissed him to try and win him over to her. Zero Two accepted the situation as it was as she believed it was punishment for what she had done to him. However, when Hiro reached her side on the battlefield via a training unit and climbed into her FRANXX she came to realise that Hiro truly would be by her side no matter what. The two shared a passionate kiss and declared their absolute love for each other. Reunited with her Darling, they both fought off the rest of the Klaxosaurs. Their relationship bloomed after this. They spent most of their time together, being more openly affectionate with each other, and would draw pictures together. Zero Two would even try to complete the picture book that Hiro had shown her when they were children and they both developed a fondness for cherry blossom trees. Zero Two became very devoted to him and held his hand in support as Hiro demanded to Papa that he, and the rest of his squad, be free from their duties once they win their final battle. They both now wished to be by each other’s side forever.

HiroZero (4)

Their love remained, and arguably continued to grow, from this point on. However, they would have to deal with frustrating and tragic situations when the Klaxosaur princess kidnapped Hiro, who also kissed him which upset Zero Two. When she managed to reach him she was distraught at the possibility he might be dead, begging for him to be alive and kisses him to revive him. He survives, but Zero Two would fall into a catatonic state after they stopped VIRM from causing more destruction. Hiro would travel to space and pilot her FRANXX as he learned that her mind is now connected to their FRANXX and the two reunited virtually. Zero Two tries to discourage him from joining her in space, as she has come to terms with being alone and not being human. However, Hiro rebuffs this and offers his hand to her. Happy to be reunited with him, she joyfully accepts him as they travel through space, seeing it as their honeymoon. At the climax of their battle with VIRM, knowing they will die, they profess their love to each other and promise to reunite for as long as their souls exist. A 1,000 years later, the two are reunited after being reincarnated. They introduce each other under a cherry blossom tree.

Other Work[]


The initial interactions of Hiro and Zero Two in the manga almost mirror those in the anime until the squad’s first sortie. When the mission is sent on their first sortie, Zero Two secretly takes Hiro to get a glimpse of the city like she did in the anime but in co ready to the anime, they are found by Nana and taken to the briefing room where they see the mission goes disarray when more Klaxosaurs appear. As Hiro is not permitted to pilot with Zero Two, Mitsuru volunteers to go with her despite Zero Two’s refusal. Hiro almost agrees to this suggestion but changes his mind and insists he will be alright because he has yet to suffer any effects from piloting with her. Nana ultimately gives them permission to pilot to rescue the squad and Hiro, thrilled and overcome by the power he feels, almost succumbs to his co*ckiness before Zero Two calms him down and they kill the Klaxosaurs. Hiro feels that he has found a new reason to fly, which is Zero Two.

The progression of their relationship is almost identical to the anime events, but the fallout of their relationship is slightly different. When Zero Two starts to become obsessed with her goal to become human and why she has yet to become more human after being with Hiro for a while, her horns grow and she becomes increasing hostile. Hiro notices this change in her and his attempts to get her to open up to him backfire as she rejects his concern. She further calls him her fodder and he has nothing to do with her. He is outraged and says he vowed to be her partner forever, elaborating he has everything to do with her and he will protect her.

When Zero Two was manipulated by the Klaxosaur Princess into attacking Mistilteinn, Hiro forced his way into Strelizia to try and save her. Upon trying to connect with her, she began strangling him and revealed her goal to become human was so she could find her long lost darling. Their minds connected too deep, causing them to remember their erased memories of their childhood together.

Upon realizing Hiro is her long lost darling, Zero Two was overcome with guilt for deceiving and hurting Hiro, so much so that she decided to leave Squad 13 and return to fighting alone. After being unconscious for ten days, Hiro woke up in the hospital and learned of Zero Two’s departure, which saddened him. However, Squad 13 announced they would help Hiro reach Zero Two while she was fighting alone at the Gran Crevasse.

Upon reaching the frontlines and finding a damaged Strelizia, Hiro rushes towards the FRANXX and finds Zero Two unconscious. She tells herself that she is willing to do anything to protect the world Hiro lives in and will sacrifice herself if it means Hiro will live. When she wakes up and finds him holding her, he is overjoyed that they are together again. She pushes him away, as she thinks he should fear or hate her for using him and he has horns like her. Hiro shouts that doesn’t matter because, after reading the story of her picture book and remembering it’s sad ending of the prince and beast princess being separated, he is determined to stay with her forever so they can rewrite the ending of that story. This deeply touches Zero Two, who sheds tears of joy.

When they reconnect, Strelizia evolves and its power increases as a result of their radiance of life. This makes 001 jealous of them, in addition to their mutual, powerful desire to protect their will to live. As they destroy 001, Hiro and Zero Two recall the story of the Jian. After the battle ends, Zero Two wonders what will happen to them and Hiro assures her that they will be alright in a new, unknown world as long as their friends will be with them. Zero Two asks Hiro if he will stay with her forever and he swears they will. Zero Two tells Hiro that she loves him and they kiss.

HiroZero (5)

In an illustration of the final volume, HiroZero are shown holding hands as the squad is together and Zero Two is wearing the standard parasite uniform to symbolize that she genuinely considers herself part of the squad.

Drama CDs[]

In the first Drama CD, when Hiro eats mushrooms that cause the water to fall asleep and have strange dreams, he had an amusing dream about Zero Two that causes him to laugh profusely. When he wakes up, Zero Two becomes intrigued and tries to get Hiro to eat more mushrooms with her but he refuses and wants to throw them away. However, she secretly gives him one and then takes one herself because, as she tells him after they wake up, she wanted to share a dream with him. Hiro wakes up in his bed and is embarrassed to see Zero Two laying with him. He then tells her that he dreamed of them riding a bicycle together through a row of cherry blossom trees.

In the second Drama CD, the squad is in distress as they suspect a strange creature is in the house and Zero Two heightens their anxiety with stories of a monster, which also makes Hiro nervous. When Hiro is captured and knocked unconscious by the creature, Zero Two is worried for Hiro but her concern immediately turns I to rage and she sets out to confront the creature, resulting in further chaos.

In the third Drama CD, two years had passed since leaving Earth. Hiro realizes he is becoming a klaxosaur but tells Zero Two he is not scared because he feels that he is becoming part of her. She also worries that he is getting weak after he rarely falls asleep. To pass time, they role play as a married couple, such as Zero Two playing the doting wife preparing a delicious meal and warm bath for Hiro after he pretends coming home from work and calls her ‘honey’. However, Zero Two says this is unfulfilling and they can’t get married like this. Hiro asks her if she still wants to get married, and attempts to recite the wedding vows. She says they don’t need the vows because they already promised to be together forever. Hiro comments how they spend their time discussing trivial topics he read from books and he mentions how he doesn’t have the need to eat and sleep due to his body turning into one of a klaxosaur. A VIRM fleet attacks them but they quickly eliminate it. Zero Two says she feels stronger with him.

As Kokoro is giving birth to her and Mitsuru’s daughter, Ai, Hiro realizes the baby is about to be born. Zero Two assures him that Kokoro and the baby will be alright, and Hiro wonders what Mitsuru will name the baby. He feels pain in his head and Zero Two says it’s because of the battle damage and metallic waves in space. She asks him to get some rest but he reminds her that he doesn’t need to sleep. Nevertheless, he falls asleep and she says that she is happy but her only regret is that he will never have his original human body again.

Two years since leaving Earth, Hiro wakes up from sleeping and she notices how weak he is has gotten, and asks him not to push himself. He tells her that he had a dream in which all their friends were living good lives on Earth. He also says he had another dream in which he and Zero Two meet in a distant future and he believes this represents hope for them.


It is the most popular ship of the fandom due to it being the central point of the show's plot. It made it to the list of top 10 anime ships, being in the top 10 since the series debut. HiroZero reached 6th place, behind MitsuKoko, after they confessed their love to each other. Following their sacrifice during the finale, they rose to 4th place.

While HiroZero wasn't an official ship until Episode 15, many of the show's fans shipped them. Some even predicted a previous meeting during their childhood which made them "instantly attracted" to each other, which was confirmed in Episode 13.

Some DARLING fans dislike this ship as they feel their relationship was toxic. Some called out Zero Two for manipulating and using Hiro for the first half of the show. However, other fans will point to their interactions in the second half of the show as proof that their relationship is healthy. Some argue that the blame for the toxicity in the first half should also lie with Papa, who tore the two apart as children and tried to wipe their memories, additionally manipulating Zero Two to believe killing klaxosaurs would turn her human.

HiroZero was nominated for Couple Ship of the Year at the Anime Trending Awards 2019, and was placed 4th out of 20 nominees.


“Let me get a taste of you. After all... you are now my darling!”
— Zero Two to Hiro before kissing him for the first time.
“I’m your partner. I’m not going to leave you alone”
— Hiro to Zero Two.
“Once we get out of here... I want to be with you forever too. And then I'll be your Darling.”
— Hiro to Zero Two when they were children.
“The picture book... You were the girl with the picture book back then, weren't you”
— Hiro to Zero Two after remembering his past.
“You're my wings, right? If I'm with you, I can fly anywhere I want... We'll always be together right.”
— Zero Two to Hiro.
“Zero Two, I love you! I love you for who you are!”
— Hiro to Zero Two when he confessed.
“Darling, I love you!”
— Zero Two to Hiro after reconciling.
“I hereby vow to never let you go.”
— Hiro to Zero Two.



Hiro/Zero Two on FanFiction.Net


Hiro x Zero Two fanclub on DeviantArt
ゼロヒロ tag on pixiv.
ヒロゼロ tag on pixiv.
ゼロヒロ on pixiv encyclopedia.
ヒロゼロ on pixiv encyclopedia.


hiro x zero two tag on Tumblr
zero two x hiro tag on Tumblr
hiro x 002 tag on Tumblr
002 x hiro tag on Tumblr
hir02 tag on Tumblr


  • DARLING's director, Atsushi Nishigori, said he always intended for Hiro and Zero Two to have a happy ending but felt he needed to make their fate more sentimental after discussing it with his assistants. So he went ahead with them making the decision to give up their own lives to save those of their friends and start over as humans via reincarnation.
  • The reason why Hiro can pilot with Zero Two is because he licked her wounded knee when they were children and digested her blood. It was also this act that got Zero Two into the habit of licking people to see how they taste.
  • Hiro’s first kiss was with Zero Two, but it is unknown if Hiro was Zero Two's first kiss.
  • By his own admission, Zero Two is the first girl Hiro as seen naked, although by accident.
  • It was Hiro reading The Beast and the Prince to her that Zero Two learned the word darling.
  • According to Zero Two, even before she realized he was her long-lost darling, she couldn’t bear to watch Hiro suffering and would go out of her way to help even people she didn’t get along with (such as Ichigo) if it would make Hiro smile.
  • In the third Drama CD, Hiro expresses he still wants to get married, but Zero Two tells him there is no point in that because they already promised to be together forever. From their perspective, marriage simply means a vow to be true to each other in sickness and health until parted by death.
  • Zero Two asked Hiro to draw a picture of the prince to add as a page in her picture book but he was too embarrassed to show her. Despite being amused at how terrible his drawing skills were, Zero Two decided to include it in her book with the notation ‘My Beloved Darling’.
  • As they are the main coupling, Hiro and Zero Two were the first ones to kiss. However, they are never shown to consummate their relationship.
  • Hiro’s English voice actor, Matt Shipman, is ironically married to Ichigo’s English voice actress, Brittany Lauda, in real life.
  • Hiro’s code number is 016 and Zero Two’s code number is 002. When subtracted, is the number 14, the number of the episode in which they are separated and have a falling out. When added, it is 18, which is the number of the episode in which they reaffirm their promise to get married. When divided, it is 8, the number of the episode in which Zero Two initiates the bathroom fight to be more human and Hiro feels the desire to take care of her.



Official Art[]

HiroZero (18)


HiroZero (19)

DARLING in the FRANXX ShipsDARLING in the FRANXX Characters
HiroZero (2024)


Why did 001 kiss Hiro? ›

001 catches up and pulls Zero Two out, describing her as a duplicate that does not realize she is being used by the invaders. She says she isn't fit to pilot their child before throwing her out. She kisses Hiro to connect to Strelizia, telling him that he must not be an ordinary human before closing the door.

Did Hiro and Zero Two sleep together? ›

As they are the main coupling, Hiro and Zero Two were the first ones to kiss. However, they are never shown to consummate their relationship.

Does Zero Two actually love Hiro? ›

Over time, Zero Two developed romantic feelings towards Hiro.

Did Zero Two know Hiro was her darling? ›

Zero Two loved Hiro before she realized he was truly her darling(Splr) | Fandom. In Episode 6 "Darling in the Franxx" Hiro was anticipated to die. He did for a moment, but long story short he did come back to save Zero Two.

Who does Hiro end up with? ›

As strange as it may be, Hiro and 002 are considered to be married in the series. While there was no traditional ceremony, this happens when 002 flies through space wearing a wedding dress and announces that the two are on their honeymoon together.

Who was Zero Two's first darling? ›

When Zero Two was a child she learned the word Darling from her book. She then associated that world with kid Hiro. That's why she calls him darling in the first place. Then years later because Zero Two likes Hiro she decides to start calling him darling.

What is the blue stuff on Hiro's chest? ›

Hiro's tumor which emerged after his second time piloting with Zero Two. Starting from Episode 05, he had a blue tumor-like mutation in his chest, caused by piloting with Zero Two, which increased his yellow blood cell count, the polar opposite of what happened when Zero Two rode with other parasites.

Is Zero Two taller than Hiro? ›

Zero Two has long pastel pink hair with a fringe and a pair of red horns on her head. Her eyes are cyan with pinkish-red eyeliner. Her eyes turn red without her headband. She has a slender and athletic figure; she is the tallest girl among the squad and about the same height as Hiro.

Why is the ending of Darling in the Franxx so bad? ›

The drama surrounding Hiro and Zero Two's separation and reunion was repeated at least a couple of times within the final episodes of the series. In comparison, the drama between the rest of the cast was either uninteresting or shallow. Another big issue with the finale was the sudden introduction of aliens.

Who did Zero Two end up with? ›

In the anime, Hiro and Zero Two sacrifice themselves to destroy the VIRM planet and save the future of their friends and planet, and they are reincarnated into human children 1,000 years later. Whereas in the manga, they survived the final battle and swore to be together forever.

Is Zero Two still alive? ›

She and Hiro then part ways with their friends but promise to return. In the final episode, Zero Two and Hiro are nearly defeated but they sacrifice themselves to destroy the VIRM home planet and free the souls trapped by VIRM. At some point in the future, they are reincarnated into two children.

Is DARLING in the FRANXX sad? ›

Some people might say the ending was sad but honestly I really don't agree. Everyone was happy, who ever died, died happily. Whoever lived, lived happily so it was not really a sad ending.

Why did Hiro turn into a Klaxosaur? ›

Before they were captured and separated, Hiro licked Zero Two's blood from a cut, affecting his aptitude performance and making him incompatible with anyone except for Zero Two. He also slowly grows horns and develops other klaxosaur characteristics.

What happens after Hiro and Zero Two are reincarnated? ›

Hiro and Zero Two die in the process of defending Earth from VIRM, and the series ends with the two of them meeting again as children, having been reincarnated on Earth, where the human race is now thriving again.

Why did Hiro forget his promise? ›

Kokoro and Mitsuru are in the greenhouse as Kokoro recalls that Hiro forgot his promise with Mitsuru because his memories were erased. Mitsuru remembers when Hiro apologized for forgetting their promise and Mitsuru feels guilty.

Why does Hiro have horns? ›

Starting from Episode 17, Hiro developed canines and he also began sprouting small blue horns due to his "saurification". His horns eventually began to lengthen significantly and glow blue, the same way Zero Two's do when emotionally agitated. His eyes become luminescent, changing from a dark blue-green to bright blue.

Does DARLING in the FRANXX have a bad ending? ›

However the ending was kinda plain... I know they tried hard to make it a happy ending but personally I feel like a anime like this should have a sad ending. Some people might say the ending was sad but honestly I really don't agree. Everyone was happy, who ever died, died happily.

What happened to 002 and Hiro? ›

She and Hiro then part ways with their friends but promise to return. In the final episode, Zero Two and Hiro are nearly defeated but they sacrifice themselves to destroy the VIRM home planet and free the souls trapped by VIRM. At some point in the future, they are reincarnated into two children.

Why does 02 have horns? ›

As side effects of aggressively riding Strelizia, Zero Two fangs and horns grow at an alarming rate and her eyes shine red when angered, even when she wears her limiter headband.

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