ZZ Plant is Toxic To Humans 💀 (2024)

By Kiersten Rankel

Dec 16, 20236 min read

Learn to safely coexist with the ZZ Plant and protect your loved ones from its hidden hazards. 🏡🚫

  1. Calcium oxalate & saponins in ZZ Plant can irritate skin and cause discomfort if ingested.
  2. Handle with care: Wear gloves, keep out of reach of kids and pets.
  3. 🚑 In case of exposure: Rinse, wash, flush affected areas, and seek medical help if severe.

ZZ Plant Toxicity to Humans

🌵 ZZ Plant's Toxic Components

The ZZ Plant packs a punch with calcium oxalate crystals and saponins, both known irritants. These tiny, sharp-edged crystals can wreak havoc on soft tissues, while saponins, though less aggressive, aren't exactly a skin's best friend either. Ingestion or skin contact can lead to a range of unpleasant reactions.

🤒 Symptoms of ZZ Plant Toxicity

Touching the ZZ Plant might leave you with a rash that's more annoying than a bad review. If you're unlucky enough to get sap in your eyes, expect an itchy, red encore. Ingesting parts of the plant, though not a wise dietary choice, can lead to oral irritation, swelling, and gastrointestinal performances no one wants a ticket to.

Care and Maintenance Practices

When it comes to ZZ Plants, think of them like a cactus—admire, but don't cuddle. Wear gloves when handling to dodge the sap's irritable overtures. Keep the plant on a high shelf or in a hanging pot to avoid tiny hands or paws turning it into a chew toy. Remember, out of reach means out of the emergency room.

Precautions for Growing ZZ Plant in Household with Children or Pets

🚸 Keeping ZZ Plants Out of Reach

Elevate your ZZ game—literally. Place the plant on high shelves or in hanging pots, far from the curious hands of children and the mischievous paws of pets. Remember, ZZ Plants are the high-rise dwellers of the plant world; they don't need the prime real estate of your sunniest window to thrive.

👀 Creating a Safe Environment

Visibility is key. If kids can't see it, they're less likely to seek it. Aim for spots above waist level to keep the ZZ Plant's allure strictly for adult eyes. And for the acrobatic cats in your life, consider deterrents like citrus peels or a spritz of vinegar around the plant to make it less appealing.

🧤 Handling with Care

When it's time to get hands-on with your ZZ Plant, suit up. Don gloves for watering or repotting to avoid skin irritation from the sap. Wash any clothing that comes into contact with the plant, and always scrub your hands post-handling.

🐾 Pet-Specific Strategies

For pets, especially the canine kind that might mistake your ZZ for a chew toy, elevation is your friend. An elevated pot stand can be a simple yet effective barrier. If your furry friend still manages to get into mischief, keep an eye out for signs of distress and have your vet's number handy.

Myths and Facts about ZZ Plant Toxicity

Let's slice through the myths and plant the seeds of truth about ZZ Plant toxicity.

🌿 The Exaggerated Peril

ZZ plants do contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation if ingested or if the sap comes into contact with skin. However, the horror stories are often overblown. You're not harboring a botanical villain in your home; with sensible handling, the risk is minimal.

🧤 The Real Deal on Touch and Toxicity

Touching a ZZ Plant isn't an invitation for disaster. The plant's leaves are generally safe to handle, but gloves are your friends during pruning or repotting. The sap is the troublemaker here, not the waxy foliage.

👶🐶 Children, Pets, and the ZZ Plant

Sure, ZZ Plants are toxic, but they're not a beast lurking in the shadows. Pets might get a tummy ache if they decide to snack on it, and kids could experience discomfort if they mistake it for a green treat. Keep the plant out of reach, and you'll keep the peace.

🚫 Dispelling the Doom

The ZZ Plant isn't plotting your downfall. It's not the plant equivalent of a poison dart. Yes, it's toxic, but it's not looking to take down your cat or make your child its next victim. Proper placement and basic precautions go a long way.

🎬 The Bottom Line

In the end, ZZ Plants are like that movie villain who's not as bad once you get to know them. They're low-maintenance, stylish, and with a little care, perfectly safe to have around. Just don't let them chew on it, and you'll all coexist happily.

Safety Measures and First Aid

🌿 Immediate First Aid for ZZ Plant Exposure

In the unlikely event that someone ingests part of a ZZ Plant, immediate action is crucial. First, remove any remaining plant material from the mouth and rinse thoroughly. If skin contact occurs, wash the area with soap and water to prevent irritation. For eye exposure, flush the eyes with cool water for at least 15 minutes.

🚑 When to Seek Medical Attention

Symptoms such as swelling, pain, or burning—whether from ingestion or skin contact—warrant a call to Poison Control or a visit to the emergency room. Monitor for any signs of distress, and do not hesitate to seek professional medical advice, especially if the individual is a child or exhibits severe reactions.

🧤 Handling the Plant Safely

Always wear gloves when pruning or repotting your ZZ Plant to avoid sap contact. If you do come into contact with the sap, wash your hands and any other affected skin immediately.

🚧 Preventing Accidents

Keep your ZZ Plant in a secure location, out of reach of children and pets. Educate family members about the plant's toxicity and ensure they understand the importance of not touching or ingesting any part of it.

🐾 In Case of Pet Ingestion

If a pet ingests ZZ Plant, remove any plant remnants from their mouth and offer water to drink. Observe your pet closely and contact your veterinarian if any concerning symptoms develop.

Remember, while the ZZ Plant is indeed toxic, with smart handling and swift action in emergencies, risks can be effectively managed.

Alternatives and Safe Practices

In the quest for houseplant harmony in homes with children or pets, it's crucial to choose greenery that poses no risk. Here's how to keep your living spaces both safe and stylish.

🌿 Non-Toxic Houseplants for a Family-Friendly Home

For those seeking peace of mind, consider these non-toxic houseplants:

  • African Violet
  • Boston Fern
  • Spider Plant
  • Parlor Palm
  • Calathea

Each plant offers unique aesthetics without compromising safety. The African Violet adds a splash of color, while the Boston Fern brings lush, feathery greenery. The Spider Plant is known for its air-purifying qualities, and the Parlor Palm infuses a tropical vibe. Calathea stands out with its patterned leaves.

🛡️ Best Practices for Plant Safety

To ensure your indoor garden is both safe and enjoyable, follow these best practices:

  • Elevate plants using shelves or hangers to keep them out of reach.
  • Educate children about the importance of not eating plants.
  • Supervise pets to prevent any plant-related mishaps.

Remember, while these plants are non-toxic, it's always best to prevent any plant ingestion, which could lead to mild stomach upset.

🌱 Creating a Safe Plant Environment

  • Use plant stands or wall mounts to elevate your greenery.
  • Opt for closed terrariums to deter curious paws and hands.
  • Monitor plant health regularly to avoid pest issues that might require treatments harmful to pets or kids.

By choosing the right plants and taking simple precautions, you can enjoy the benefits of indoor plants without worry.

Keep your ZZ Plant thriving and your home safe 🏡 with Greg's tailored care reminders that include essential safety tips.


257 posts on Greg
  • What kind of fertilizer do you all prefer for your #ZZ #ZzPlant

  • How do yall fertilize your ZZ? #ZzPlant

  • ZZ Plant is Toxic To Humans 💀 (2)

    Sparse zz plant Does anyone have any tips on how to get their zz plant bushier and fuller? In particular the stems don’t have many leaves except at the ends. I pruned some of them thinking they might branch but from what I’m reading it sounds like they generally don’t do that? TIA!

  • ZZ Plant is Toxic To Humans 💀 (3)

    Should’ve purchased a plant a long time ago. I’m so glad I did this for my work-at-home desk. It smells so clean and it’s so breathable in here, much better than when I was running an expensive air purifier, and I can talk to Gregarious the ZZ plant when I’m stressed from work. #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #ZzPlant #FreshAir

Browse #ZzPlant

You Might Also Want to Know...

Is the ZZ plant poisonous to humans?

Yes, the ZZ plant is poisonous to humans.

What are the symptoms of ZZ plant ingestion?

Ingesting the ZZ plant can lead to symptoms such as swelling of the lips, tongue, and throat, as well as difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

What is the sap of the ZZ plant called?

The sap of the ZZ plant contains calcium oxalate.

What does the calcium oxalate in the sap of the ZZ plant cause?

The calcium oxalate in the sap of the ZZ plant can cause kidney stones in humans.

Can people have an allergic reaction to the ZZ plant?

Some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to the ZZ plant, especially if they are sensitive or have allergies to other plants.

What should be done if the sap of the ZZ plant gets on the skin?

If the sap of the ZZ plant comes into contact with the skin, it should be thoroughly washed with water.

How should the ZZ plant be handled to avoid any issues?

When handling the ZZ plant, it is advisable to wear gloves or wash hands thoroughly afterwards.

Should the ZZ plant be kept away from small children and pets?

Yes, it is recommended to keep the ZZ plant away from small children and pets.

What should be done if someone or a pet ingests a piece of the ZZ plant?

If someone or a pet ingests a piece of the ZZ plant, they should be given water and medical assistance should be sought immediately.

Is it safe to have a ZZ plant in your home?

It is safe to have a ZZ plant in your home as long as proper precautions are taken and it is handled carefully.

Learn More About
ZZ Plant Care

  • 🌟 Benefits
  • 🍂 Black Spots on Leaves
  • 💨 Humidity
  • 🍃 Leaves Curling
  • ✂️ Pruning
  • 🪴 Repotting
  • 🐞 Bugs
  • 🌸 Flower
  • 🍃 Leaves Drooping
  • 🍂 Brown Spots on Leaves
  • 🤔 Problems
  • 🌤️ Light Requirements
  • 👶 Toxicity to Humans
  • 🌞 Direct Sunlight
  • 🌡️ Temperature
  • 💦 How Often to Water
  • 🍂 Leaves Mushy
  • 🤒 Root Rot
  • 🍃 Leaves Dropping
  • 🍃 Leaves Falling Over
ZZ Plant is Toxic To Humans 💀 (2024)


ZZ Plant is Toxic To Humans 💀? ›

ZZ plants aren't toxic to any serious degree, and their sap is considered more of an irritant than a poison. You should always handle a ZZ plant with care, but no long-term harm will come to your pets or kids if they touch it or swallow a piece.

Is the ZZ plant poisonous to people? ›

ZZ Plant. The drought-tolerant ZZ plant makes a wonderful addition to low-light situations in homes and offices, but all parts of this plant are poisonous. Keep it away from children and pets, and wash your hands or wear gloves if you need to handle it.

What to do if you touch a ZZ plant? ›

🌿 Immediate First Aid for ZZ Plant Exposure

If skin contact occurs, wash the area with soap and water to prevent irritation.

Can ZZ plants make you itchy? ›

ZZ Plants are, in fact, poisonous. Calcium oxalate is present in all parts of the plant structure—leaves, stems, roots, and even rhizomes—causing skin irritation such as rashes and itchiness.

Are ZZ plants toxic to pets? ›

ZZ Plant. The Zamioculcas Zamifolia or ZZ Plant is a hardy houseplant but is considered toxic for dogs and people if ingested. When eaten, the ZZ Plant can cause diarrhea and vomiting. In addition, the sap of the plant is considered an irritant that can be painful and burn a pet's mouth and throat.

Can I put ZZ plant in my room? ›

The ZZ plant is an excellent choice for bedrooms with low light conditions. Its glossy, dark green leaves can add a modern touch to your space. Additionally, it's known for its ability to tolerate neglect, making it perfect for those who are new to plant care.

What is the most toxic plant to humans? ›

Oleander Nerium

Every portion of this plant is packed of toxins, making it the most dangerous plant on the planet. Oleandrin and neriine are two of the most potent. The poison of an oleander is so potent that it can even poison someone who eats honey created by bees that have ingested oleander nectar.

Does a ZZ plant clean the air? ›

It is highly effective in removing pollutants from the air. According to the studies by NASA, the ZZ plant is efficient in removing harmful contaminants such as formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene, toluene and carbon dioxide from the air.

What is the most toxic house plant? ›

Top 10 toxic household plants for pets
  • Lilies. Beautiful though they may be, lilies are one of the most toxic house plants for cats. ...
  • Philodendron. These resilient, easy-to-grow houseplants contain high levels of calcium oxalate crystals. ...
  • Oleander. ...
  • Aloe. ...
  • Chrysanthemum. ...
  • Hyacinth. ...
  • Jade plant. ...
  • Sago palm.

Why is my ZZ plant crying? ›

According to this article, https://www.nature-and-garden.com/gardening/zz-plant.html , those are happy tears: This is a normal phenomen and is the sign of a happy, well-watered specimen.

What is wrong with ZZ plant? ›

ZZ plants have very few problems under proper care and conditions. Most troubles start with overwatering. Soft, weak, droopy leaves point to overly wet soil. Leaves of overwatered plants may turn yellow, then brown or black.

What are the cons of ZZ plant? ›

Sensitive to Overwatering: Susceptible to root rot if overwatered, necessitating careful water management. Easy Care: Very low maintenance, perfect for beginners or busy individuals. Handling Care: The sap can cause skin irritation, so gloves are recommended when handling.

Can a ZZ plant make you sick? ›

ZZ plants are toxic to humans, although to a lesser degree than to pets. Yet again, the sap of the ZZ plant can cause skin irritation, as well as diarrhea and vomiting if accidentally ingested. So, ensure that you wear protective gloves when you take care of your ZZ plant.

What is ZZ plant good for? ›

The plant is an air-purifier, which can eliminate toxins in air such as xylene, toluene and benzene to a great extent. ZZ plants are easy to care and maintain as they can survive in minimum sunlight and are resistant to drought conditions.

Can a ZZ plant live in a bathroom? ›

The ZZ Plant will grow in extremely low levels of light, which make them ideal for window-less bathrooms. Water only when the soil has dried out otherwise leave it alone; the more you leave this plant alone the better it will seem to grow.

What is the truth about the ZZ plant? ›

ZZ plants appear as the top choice for homes and offices to keep the air fresh and healthy. Their natural air-purifying properties help remove extremely harmful components from the air, such as Benzene, Xylene, Toluene, Formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide, etc., to help you inhale fresh and pure air.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.